Version v4
Maps Included: Matrix_Reloaded_Final Matrix_Reloaded_Final_nite KillBill FFA_Streets Jolt_Duel_v2 ( The above names are what should be typed in to get to that map in console ) New Textures : Yus, bad ones at that by they do the job New Shaders : Yus, managed to fig out some of that code stuff w00t! New Sounds/Music : Yus mixed on vestax PDX D3 (mark 1's) Decks, Numark 1635 Mixer, Sony MDR 700's and compressed in Cool Edit Pro 2 New Models : Yus ( well so to speak Mapping is modeling is it not ) Map Install : Just extract the Matrix_reloaded_mp.PK3 file into yur JKA/base folder Map Uninstall : Delete the Matrix_reloaded_mp.PK3 from yur base folder ( but why you would want to do that is beyond me ) Special Thx to the followin' : JLG Clan for there Ideas and support ( Dacs, JainaD'kana, AidenD'kana, Vindicator, AngelD'kana,Dreamless, Obi, Tiamat, Dragonslayer, Sovereign and Beck ) BambiD'kana, Blah, Sauce, Katan, BlueChixorz, ArinaD'kana, ShaakTi, Quiet Guardian, Calsa, JokerDood, Biscuit, Q, John, Jimbo,Kauyon, Aud, Nanaki, Austin (lil Killa), Scarlet ( thx for helping with MB and running V2 on a server ), *Vas*Buffy, Szcio ( for textures, ta ) , Living Dead Jedi, Sash Clan ( RIP), and lastly Jedi Adam ( for nuff support with map and general bi***in ). Woah, like one oscar speech, guess I should thank God too, but I dont want to so I wont ( he kept complaining about the FPS ) To any names I have Missed out, Im sorry