You did a great job. This mod is insane.
My problem with force repulse — the animation is bad, its better be changed.
I don't like to use cheats but I want to increase amount of force to represent character growth.
In the current version of mod its 5 to 6 ability Light and Dark sides - it looks unfair. I'm not mod creator, i can't create it by myself. Can you create an ability for Light side of the Force?
It is called "Strength Of A Hundred".
Duration: 10 seconds
Area Of Effect: Jedi only
Effect: Power and experience of all jedi charges the user giving him enhanced abilities. While active jedi can't die.
(HP can't be lower than 1 hp)
Rank 1 - Passively increases amount of force for 25 points.
While active: has stronger attacks. Force regeneration is faster. (g_forceregentime 75)
All abilities of Light side don't waste any energy.
Rank 2 - Passively increases amount of force for 50 points.
While active: Has stronger attacks. Force regeneration is much faster. (g_forceregentime 50)
All abilities of Light side don't waste any energy.
Rank 3 - Passively increases amount of force for 100 points.
While active: Has stronger attacks. Force regeneration is incredibly fast. (g_forceregentime 20)
All abilities of Light side don't waste any energy.
(All abilities of Dark side disables ability).
After ability ends it needs a rest for 20 seconds before used again.