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Lardo liked a file: Battle of Geonosis
Lardo liked a file: Battle on Theed
DarthValeria liked a file: Warrior Guild Assault
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leon82 liked a file: Battle of Geonosis - Siege
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What's up TQD! I'd play in this.
This is a BETA preview release of an upcoming Siege map pack containing 5 maps in total. The two maps included are fully playable but may be tweaked and refined in later versions. You can run both of these maps in FFA mode but since they're not FFA maps I would expect the gameplay to be horrid. <:-O If you would like to play the map by yourself, just start the map as a Siege map and add a bot (i.e. "addbot chiss" in the console). To avoid errors and conflicts these maps use default Siege classes. Base Assault uses the Hoth classes and Korriball uses Korriban. Time Limits: Korriball: No time limit, first team to score 7 goals wins. Base Assault II: 20 Minute Initial Time Limit If Imperial forces succeed before the time limit is reached, the teams switch sides (Imperial team becomes Rebel and vice versa). Once the new teams are formed, the new Rebel team must complete the same objectives in the same or less amount of time than the first Rebel team did. Objectives for Korriball: Grab the green crystal and use the jumppads to score. The first team to reach 7 wins. NOTE: Scoring requires more skill and timing than Droidball! Objectives for Base Assault II: There are 5 main objectives: Steal the power mod and restore power to the outside doors. Reach the outer courtyard of the Estate grounds. Use the codes contained in the droids to disable the Estate locks. Once inside the Estate, disable the containment core shield which is busy containing the head of the legendary Pops. Steal the head of Jedi Master Pops and return to the transport for escape! Players: Recommended Maximum of 16 Players (8 per team) Note: A maximum of 32 players are supported, but untested. Play at your own risk. -
Version v3
This is a BETA preview release of another map from an upcoming Siege map pack containing 5 maps in total. This is a completely different map than my previous maps based on Mygeeto, and is not intended to be movie-accurate. The included map is fully playable but may be tweaked and refined in later versions. You can this map in FFA mode but since it's not an FFA map I would expect the gameplay to be horrid. If you would like to play the map by yourself, just start the map as a Siege map and add a bot (i.e. "addbot chiss" in the console). To avoid errors and conflicts this map uses the default Hoth classes. Time Limits: 20 Minute Initial Time Limit If Imperial forces succeed before the time limit is reached, the teams switch sides (Imperial team becomes Rebel and vice versa). Once the new teams are formed, the new Rebel team must complete the same objectives in the same or less amount of time than the first Rebel team did. Objectives: There are 5 main objectives for the offense: Objective 1: Advance ATST to the bridge Objective 2: Destroy core/generator Objective 3: Breach inside of the complex Objective 4: Find/install the emitter & receptor Objective 5: Destroy communication control room Players: Recommended Maximum of 16 Players (8 per team) Note: A maximum of 32 players are supported, but untested. Play at your own risk. -
This map is (loosely) based on the location of Theed as seen in Episode 1. This is a FFA/TFFA version, but there are also MB2 and Siege versions being tested at www.moviebattles.com and www.jkasiege.com. The Siege version will be included in the upcoming JKASiege map pack but if you want to help test it out, visit www.jkasiege.com. -
War! (Heh.) The setting is a Separatist droid army has set up a hidden base in an abandoned mine to develop and test a devestating new weapon. A Republic Clone army faction has been dispatched to shut the operation down and destroy all data relating to the project. Aiding each side is a Jedi and a Sith. As with previous maps developed by H3H, expect multiple ways to accomplish objectives, intriguing battlefronts and lots of surprises that will be revealed the more you play. You'll notice that some areas were heavily patterned after key areas from the SIEGE Hoth map by Ravensoft. We've also designed the Objectives to flow similarly to Hoth, so you shouldn't have any trouble knowing what to do. Our SIEGE server "H3H Mini Wars" (IP: will be running the map, but please feel free to run it on your servers as well. Please note, this map is released "as is" and is unsupported by Raven Software, Activision, LucasArts or H3H. However, if you're having problems please visit our forums at http://www.clanh3h.com and let us know. The Story So Far: The primary objective is to reach the Central Processing Core (CPC) and destroy the (3) server banks which house the data on the Separatist secret weapon. Republic Mission Objectives: Destroy the main gate and gain access to the mining camp! Once inside, drop the shield leading to the keyroom facility. Enter the keyroom facility and make way to the keyroom storage area. Steal the loading dock access key and unlock the loading area. Breach the lower levels of the facility and head to the Central Processing Core (CPC)! Destroy the CPC servers! Empire Mission Objectives: Defend, defend, defend! Time Limits: 20 Minute Initial Time Limit If Republic forces succeed before the time limit is reached, the teams switch sides (Separatist team becomes Republic and vice versa) Once the new teams are formed, the new Republic team must complete the same objectives in the same or less amount of time than the first Republic team did. Players: Recommended Maximum of 16 Players (8 per team) Note: A maximum of 32 players are supported, but untested. Play at your own risk. -
This project was inspired by the beginning Himalayas level of the Batman Begins console game - though it's by no means "faithful" to it. I designed the areas in the map so that it would be playable as a "Sniper Wars" map, a gun or saber-only FFA, TFFA, and even for "saber only" duelists. At its core, it is a FFA / TFFA map with a ton of "secrets", booby traps, a couple of teleporters and numerous other interactive elements in the map which should (hopefully) make for interesting gameplay. You can do things like turn the lights off in an area and plan sneak attacks, spy on people from behind a 2-way wall, fill a room with poison gas, etc. I highly doubt that anyone will be able to find all of the hidden stuff, but hopefully that will add to the replay value. Have fun! -
This is a map that I'm working on for the Moviebattles II mod. I decided to convert an early version of it to TFFA/FFA and release it. It's based on the Battle of Geonosis from Attack of the Clones. I say "based on" because it's not an SJC-caliber replica, but it should hopefully feel loosely familiar. -
I basically took my previously released FFA map, modified it a bit, fixed some FPS problems and added Siege code. The result was this. Take command of Dooku, Jango, Clones, Jedi, Droids, etc. and battle it out on a vaguely reminiscent battlefield replica of the Geonosis Arena featured in SW:AoTC. The classes are fairly typical, but I think they work pretty well. I haven't done balance testing or anything, but I figured this was good enough for release. This map has only 1 objective, and is timed for 10 minutes per round. I thought that might be an interesting change. Republic Mission Objectives: Get to the War Room and destroy everything you can. Separatist Mission Objectives: Defend, defend, defend! Time Limits: 10 Minute Initial Time Limit If Republic forces succeed before the time limit is reached, the teams switch sides (Separatists becomes Republic and vice versa) Once the new teams are formed, the new Republic team must complete the same objectives in the same or less amount of time than the first Republic team did. Players: Recommended Maximum of 16 Players (8 per team) Note: A maximum of at least 32 players are supported, but untested. Play at your own risk. -
The attempt at innovation continues. This time, we have what I call a CS-style gameplay map. There are (2) locations on the map where Imps can try to arm an EMP weapon. The Rebs have to disarm the weapon within (30) seconds of either EMP being armed. You can arm, disarm, and re-arm as often as you can - until the time expires. If the Imps succeed in arming one of the EMPs and defending the area until it explodes, they win. If the Rebs succeed in disarming the bombs and defending the base, they win. This map also has a few hidden passages and traps that either team can utilize to tip the scale in their favor. In this version of the map, ** only the Demo class ** can arm or disarm the EMP weapons. The (2) areas where the EMP can be placed are indicated by a "glowing bomb". To arm an EMP, the Imp Demo must hold the "use" key the for a specified time period, while being near the "glowing bomb" indicator. To disarm the bombs the Rebel Demo must also hold the "use" key while being near the bomb. Once the EMP is armed, the "glowing bomb" turns into a solid/textured bomb. When the EMP is disarmed, it turns back into the "glowing bomb" which indicates that it can be re-armed. This map uses the default Hoth classes, so there are no EOF (or other) conflicts with any other maps. Time Limits: 10 Minute Initial Time Limit If Rebel forces succeed before the time limit is reached, the teams switch sides (Imperial team becomes Rebel and vice versa) Once the new teams are formed, the new Rebel team must complete the same objectives in the same or less amount of time than the first Rebel team did. Players: Recommended Maximum of 16 Players (8 per team) Note: A maximum of 40 players are supported, but untested. Play at your own risk. -
Ok, so I've made a few maps in the past, some were decent, others were not. One thing that annoyed many people (and myself) is that the Siege maps I made always generated an "EOF" error and prevented people from, you know, actually being able to play the maps. I've FINALLY, discovered why this happens. It's due to the custom models and teams that I was using. What this map pack is, is a collection of a few of our past maps but recompiled and reconfigured to use the basejka teams that Raven has in the game. The advantages of this are: The maps don't conflict with other maps at all, so you don't have to 'clean out' your Base folder to get them to work. By removing all of the custom models, the file sizes are WAY smaller. So, all (3) of these maps are almost the size of what one of them was before. The disadvantages of this are: Custom models are arguably more fun to play with. You lose the ability to customize the classes. IMHO, the pros very much outweigh the cons. What's the point of having cool classes and teams, if most people can't play the maps? I tried to match the teams up in such a way that makes sense for the map, but they're not perfect. If you see any ways that I can improve on this, please let me know! I have more Siege map packs planned for the near future, but I wanted to see how the community would respond to this one first. Here are the maps included in this pack, with their changes: H3H Base Assault This was the first Siege map that H3H worked on and released. It was received well, but was plagued with EOF errors. Some people say it's their favorite Siege map. (I know, I find that hard to believe to, but I've heard it said.) Synopsis: Team "H3H" has stolen a valued posession form Team "Master" (an old-school JK2 dueling clan) - Team Master's leader's lightsaber. Master mounts an assault on the H3H HQ to retrieve it. Class Changes: This map now uses the default Hoth classes. It plays pretty much the same IMO, and I actually think it's a bit more balanced than before. Other info: N/A Hidden Mine Personally, this is my personal favorite map that I've worked on. It wasn't received well, but I think it was mainly due to MASSIVE EOF errors. I guess we'll see if it gets more playtime after this release. Synopsis: A band of Mercs are testing a devestating new weapon, and a Rebel force is dispatched to destroy all data relating to the weapon. Class Changes: This map now uses the default Hoth (Offense) and Desert (Defense) classes. I honestly think it plays much better than before. Other info: Yes, the infamous "secret" is still in! If you don't know what I'm referring to, well you should explore the map to find it. It could tip the scales in your favor. Battle of Geonosis This map was actually just released, and is what sparked me to explore the source of the EOF bug. It did better than I expected, and actually comments from people @ JK3Files motivated me to re-release a version that everyone could play. Synopsis: Jedi vs. Mercs. It's the closest I could get to a loosely based AoTC theme, using the default classes. Class Changes: This map now uses the default Korriban (Offense) and Desert (Defense) classes. I like the way it plays now. I miss the custom models, but I this the Jedi vs. Gunners idea is interesting and should be fun. Other Changes: I made the map slightly more interactive, added some eye candy and changed the objective a bit. I also added more ambience. Watch this one, there's more to come. -
Think basketball, but with 3PO's oversized head instead of the ball. The concept is simple - grab the "ball" and jump through the hoop. This map is an arena-type map, with a red team goal on one end and blue team goal on the other end. First team to score (7) goals wins. You have to use jumppads in various parts of the map to hit the goals. Lots of fun with lots of people. This map is incompatible with the current version of Heroic Oinkerwinkle's "Silly Room" Siege map. If you don't know which map that is, I don't think you will have any issues. If you do know which map that is, make sure that you remove it from your Base folder before playing this map. Time Limits: 60 Minute Initial Time Limit, but the game is really designed to be played until one side makes (7) goals. Players: Recommended Maximum of 24 Players (12 per team) Note: A maximum of 60 players are supported, but untested. Play at your own risk. -
The Ultimate Siege Map started out as a community project where any and all input from the JKA community was encouraged throughout the development process. I had a rough idea for the layout and objectives going in, but they were slowly tweaked and changed as we went along. I'm not sure if the end project truly lives up to the name, but I do believe that this is one of the first JKA Siege maps that was heavily steered by the community. I take the credits section very seriously and I don't feel as though this is "my" map at all. But, don't take my word for it; check it out! This map uses custom classes but there should be no conflicts with any other maps, or EOF errors. the default Hoth classes, so there are no EOF (or other) conflicts with any other maps. Time Limits: * 25 Minute Initial Time Limit * If Rebel forces succeed before the time limit is reached, the teams switch sides (Imperial team becomes Rebel and vice versa) * Once the new teams are formed, the new Rebel team must complete the same objectives in the same or less amount of time than the first Rebel team did. Players: * Recommended Maximum of 16 Players (8 per team) * Note: A maximum of 32 players are supported, but untested. Play at your own risk. -
Version v1
This map is based on the planet "Mygeeto" as seen in Episode III. It features the Jedi General Ki Adi Mundi leading a clone army (including the Galactic Marines) against the Separatist droid army in a struggle to take one of the main energy collectors on the planet. Please note, this map is released "as is" and is unsupported by Raven Software, Activision, LucasArts, etc. Objectives: The objective for the Republic team is to take the bridge by defeating the Tri Droids, disable the collector platforms and finally breach the main energy collector. Once inside the main collector, set up a command post. The command post can be disabled by the defending team, so you must defend it until the countdown timer expires (~60 seconds). Time Limits: 20 Minute Initial Time Limit If Republic forces succeed before the time limit is reached, the teams switch sides (Separatist team becomes Republic and vice versa) Once the new teams are formed, the new Republic team must complete the same objectives in the same or less amount of time than the first Republic team did. Players: Recommended Maximum of 16 Players (8 per team) Note: A maximum of 32 players are supported, but untested. Play at your own risk. -
This project was started as a contribution to the Neo Dark Ages project (neoda.jk3files.com). It was always intended as a Siege map, and the JKA base release will use Star Wars classes. There will be an NDA-specific release as well with the unique NDA classes. This version of the map uses default Hoth classes for now. There should be no conflicts with other Siege maps. Time Limits: 20 Minute Initial Time Limit If Imperial forces succeed before the time limit is reached, the teams switch sides (Imperial team becomes Rebel and vice versa) Once the new teams are formed, the new Rebel team must complete the same objectives in the same or less amount of time than the first Rebel team did. Goals: There are 5 main objectives: Open the mine gate Make way through the mine and to Tarpiin's Windmill Destroy any barriers in your way and proceed through the Archers Guild Stop the windmill which will allow you to use the red and blue mixes with crystals to create explosions Climb Hopes Abandonment and retract the cage which holds a captured Ysalimari Grab the Ysalimari and escape to the breach point Players: Recommended Maximum of 16 Players (8 per team) Note: A maximum of 32 players are supported, but untested. Play at your own risk.