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File Comments posted by Cagelight

  1. For some reason it doesn't work for me. If I use the download button in this topic and then install addon from zip file it completes the installation but when I look for it, it isn't there. I can't enable or disable it anywhere.

    Blender doesn't seem to be able to automatically install this addon from its zip file, so you just have to put the `jediacademy` directory within the zip file inside Blender's addon directory.

  2. Any way to deal with this? I'm not too experienced with modelling but having just downloaded this version of the plugin suite and exporting my model I am getting this issue and I have no idea how to resolve it

    As long as you don't do anything like normal recalculating/flipping to the tags it should be fine. If you're asking how to fix a flipped tag, just flip the normals back in Blender. (Edit Mode: Mesh->Normals->Flip Normals)

  3. It's great that models will now have their seams split automatically upon export now, however I have found that the tags on the model will often flip sometimes for no apparent reason, causing things such as lightsabers to be held backwards etc. This happened once when I flipped the normals on one mesh piece, however the other times it happened when I was removing faces/ vertices from mesh pieces. It could have been something else I did whilst doing these, but I've not changed the way I do anything from before with Blender 2.78c and the last plugin from MrWonko.


    This was happening with Blender 2.79b btw.


    The new mesh export pipeline is a little more sensitive to certain things than the old one was, any operation that changes the normals of tags can change their windings as well, this is a problem I faced too and unfortunately I couldn't find a good solution to the problem.

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