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  1. Thanks for the advice nero. I'll see what can i do.
  2. @@LoU I cant find another firmware for my router. No other wifi signal detected from my home. -:/
  3. The config of the router used can be found here http://imgur.com/a/4a9lm#0 and i have no wireless arround. Just mines.
  4. Ye i tried multiple channels and it doesnt matter. Its so annoying but from what i asked it can be the router itself, it's a bad router. But I dont want to have signal 50 meters away from it just 15 meters as max lol xD
  5. You can see the chat in games.log as lil_binger said. But you need to refresh it everytime you "talk" without being on the server (using a rcon program). That's all you can do from what i know.
  6. Greetings JKHub members. I brought a router last year and i didn't tried it out until last week. I set everything and it works, but I am having some problems with the signal. On my room the router is less than 1 meter up to my computer wireless card adapter and I have this signal Also with my phone, when i go to my bed (more or less 3 meters from the router) i have like 25% of signal or less. And if i go out of my room i have less or nothing at all. The router is a Blument net-002 when i brought it the person who sold it to me said that it was a good router. It still guaranteed. What can i do? It is making me mad!
  7. Bienvenido a JKhub hermano!
  8. De Argentina en realidad =3
  9. Good advice. Thanks @@Nero
  10. Get linux xD. I have win 8 (8.1 to be specific, yes the one with the windows logo on the bar!). Like most said the "menu" is stupid. I dislike the Skydrive, it start up with windows and you can only close it using the administrator task. But i like how it run apps. Its pretty cool, for me works a way better than windows 7. Also they are pretty the same, changes are the menu nothing else that i can remember now. An advice will be, get the latest windows.
  11. Salutations and welcome!
  12. I used to love this one. Its from about 2 years ago. http://i.minus.com/iXof0oPRxALX2.png (we were having some fun ) Actual one is this. http://i.imgur.com/2ljcsfU.png I would liket to see @@MoonDog desktop =o
  13. Badboy

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    Hey why ja+ is first on downloaded files? :/ ja++ is a waaay better :<
  14. Badboy


    Jarvis, I'm Iron-Man, you are not supporting me :< . Salutations and Have fun reading all the posts xD
  15. Salutations, welcome to the space ship!
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