This small mod - is my attempt to add some new saber type in Jedi Academy - Dual-phase. As I can remember, this type of lightsaber was only in Legends, but JA - is a Legends too, so I think it's fine)) I have no unic models, so I just make dual-phase versions of all basic single sabers.
So, what type of lightsaber is this? That's what Wookiepedia says: "A dual-phase lightsaber was a special variant of lightsaber that used one or a combination of focusing crystals to create a blade that could extend up to triple the original length with a simple activation. Unlike typical lightsabers, which often possessed a manual adjuster for reducing the blade emission, the dual-phased blade could be triggered in an instant, adding an element of surprise to catch an opponent off guard." (In my version blade length doubles)
And, yeah, it's a bit imbalanced, I know... Why so? It's because of two factors: first - there is two blades at one point, consequently - double damage. Why I don't used "damageScale" attribute with 0.5 value? Because it will decrease damage of all blades. And I want to have normal damage with one activated blade. Second one - is "Desann" saber style. It's imbalanced by itself, not my fault)) Anyway, I just wanted to do saber type, that was an improved version of "strong" style, like staff - is an improved "medium", and dual - is "fast". That's why I used Desann style.
P.S. Sorry for my english, i know, it's awful))