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Everything posted by Boddo

  1. 52 downloads

    These are old *Flaw community cosmetic mods for a JK2 community called *Flaw all of which work on JK3. This pack includes replacement chat icons, new crosshairs and a custom console shader.
  2. Boddo

    Live to win

    I don't tend to use forums in general, but I will do my best to pop in from time to time. But for now, I must tell Acrobat about this site.... I would imagine theres a number of mappers who should be made aware, as not too long ago, map-craft.com went under unexpectedly, and a lot of talent was active on that forum :wacko:
  3. 1,580 downloads

    Are you ready, to advance to the next level of the game? ^ ^ ^ ^ Grand Jedi Skills: Inner City Stories ^ ^ ^ ^ I present you with the insanley awesome Grand Jedi Skills: Inner City Stories. Perhaps the most complex and large MP FFA map made for JKA Venture the inner city stories to be had. Many floors to see in this building, lots of small details. Work together/against friends to complete challenges and explore.
  4. 82 downloads

    Contains Lester Leetos Cartoon (True 2D), Lester Leetos Cell Shaded, Dragon Leet, Snake Leet, Fox Leet, all with team variants. As well as Sketch and evil lester without team variants. Who is Lester Leetos? Lester Leetos is the mascot for CyberPunkCafe.com See: [ http://www.cyberpunkcafe.com/page.php?12 ] for 'Lesters Tech Advice' FYI: Lester's apearance has been spiced up to look more devilish then the original concept image.
  5. 1,266 downloads

    From StarWars Episode 1 we have the hanger in which Obi and Qui face Darth Maul. This rendition is movie-accurate largely but not entirly, due to the movies lack of continuity from scene angles. The map is scaled to be extremely close to movie scale. This map has a little bit more than other episode 1 renditions, as it has the other passage scene in the movie. Performance is kept extremely tight for the amount of content in it. The map features a portal sky to present greater depth as well. If you follow the camera positions from the movie none of the additional addons I have made are noticeable and thus, it doesnt stray from the movies perspective. Also included in this PK3 is the map 'Hyper' which is a small FFA/TFFA/CTF arena map with bushes in the the middle so you can stealth atack one-another. In it you can leap from Orb to Orb or try to hit the raised Exploder Orb to trigger an onslaught berrage of meteor storms from above to damage all in its radius..
  6. 450 downloads

    This is a large size map, wanted to try out terrain, but also wanted to see how big of an open area i could make, while maintaining a decent frame rate. I think i suceeded. distance culling and farplanedist were assets. Map is for JKA, though it also works in JK2! so Yay! and for mappers out there, this pk3 also contains the gotem.map source file and assets. (use gtkradiant 1.5 though) all original boddo textures: yes 100% default textures: 0% cust shaders: yes custom models: yes custom music: yes support: ffa - tffa - CTF bot support: no, though I may release a seperate pk3 that adds bot support down the road.
  7. Version v2


    Board the *flaw station and battle in all enviroments imaginable or embark on the quest to figure out why door in the main lobby is locked... ? Overcome the challenges to take back the streets Features: Night and day in one map. - change over an elapsed time Dynamic race track - ?? you say? yeah, once you start it, you are locked into a track and locked out of the upper downtown streets. custom music composed by Schwink area lit ambience audio sounds - caves, rain, wind etc... challenge based reward system - first to complete a challenge receives points, finish one to unlock the next Rail slide system - been working on this since my first map, its not as constrictive or as controlling, but I think it can be fun this time around ;-P cel shading this map wrang the neck of the compiler
  8. Version v2


    The CyberPunk Cafe. Map plays on both Jk2 and JkA Explore tha galaxy in pursuit of eliteness. Did you know there is a cyberpunk cafe at bespin? according to my map it apears so! For the best of the best compete in the cube arena for the pinacle position. Watch out for the red cubes! they do 25 damage points! - warning - recomended for skilled jedis only. Have a grind session in the grind dome - or goto the top of the dome and sit on a bench to spectate the participants. Enjoy flight above Yavin whilst brandishing a rocket launcher. Life or die - find the die - pick the right hall. Aswell dont forget to visit the cafe, or step outdoors to lounge about.
  9. 88 downloads

    Contains Lester Leetos Cartoon (True 2D), Lester Leetos Cell Shaded, Dragon Leet, Snake Leet, Fox Leet, all with team variants. As well as Sketch and evil lester without team variants. Who is Lester Leetos? Lester Leetos is the mascot for CyberPunkCafe.com See: [ http://www.cyberpunk...com/page.php?12 ] for 'Lesters Tech Advice' FYI: Lester's apearance has been spiced up to look more devilish then the original concept image.
  10. Version v2


    Board the *flaw station and battle in all enviroments imaginable or embark on the quest to figure out why door in the main lobby is locked... ? Overcome the challenges to take back the streets. Features: Night and day in one map. - change over an elapsed time Dynamic race track - ?? you say? yeah, once you start it, you are locked into a track and locked out of the upper downtown streets. custom music composed by Peter Colasuonno (aka Schwink) area lit ambience audio sounds - caves, rain, wind etc... challenge based reward system - first to complete a challenge receives points, finish one to unlock the next Rail slide system - been working on this since my first map, its not as constrictive or as controlling, but I think it can be fun this time around ;-P biggest jk2 map to date? maybe, this map wrang the neck of the compiler
  11. Just thought I would say hello, and wish jkhub success. The jk2/jk3 communities took a hit when filefront was baught out and subsequently the site has been broken since, causing a fair amount of abandonment. I myself nolonger map or game much, but I did/do from time to time enjoy looking at what people are still creating and talking about. These game communities are very unique and there are so many creative individuals experimenting with it still to this day. It wont ever be the same as when the games first released, but hopefully jkhub will become the goto place that can replace jk2/jk3files and brings some modders and sceners back. Cheers!
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