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Everything posted by Wundai

  1. Hi all, I have checked the modelling and skinning tutorials but somehow I feel they are a bit too general for my specific change (Correct me if I'm wrong ofcourse :) ). I'd like to start modifying an existing model and attach a jetpack to it from vanilla jk3. I am not a hardcore modeller or skinner in any way but I feel I am learning slowly what it all means. Now I saw in some existing models, for example the Revan model that there were certain elements in the .skin file that had a name specific to the model like *mask, which could be turned off and on. Could this also be done for a jetpack? Which would allow me to take the jetpack from the vanilla game and combine it with the model of my choice by mentioning it in the .skin file and then attaching it to the model or would this be too simple? Thanks for any help.
  2. Sorry, this comment is 3 years too late but only know did I know of the existance of these scripts. Thank you so much! I've been enjoying self-made single player battles for a long time but with this it will become amazing! Probably a low chance that you still take requests Nikomaru but would it be possible to create a script that would let an npc follow you even if you are on the other side of the map. So make the distance required between the 2 of you limitless, making it follow you whenever a jedi for example is not in combat-mode? (Current similar script is about how far the npc stands away from you when following you, but my issue sometimes is I have to go through the area after a battle to pickup anyone still alive and have them follow me). Would be a great one imho.
  3. Found the mod (Highspeed melee) and added it's distinctiveness to my own(oops wrong side of the border). Thanks!
  4. Hi Lancelot, I remember from the old days when jk2files etc. were still up I used custom made kicking animations for a Samurai Mod I assembled(also personal use only). Unfortunately don't remember from which mod (or part of which mod which changes stances or animation) it was from. And...there's a big chance that was lost since not everything made it to JKHub from what I understood. Still, it doesn't hurt to hope Thanks for the reply. Actually.. I even have a video I happen to make which contained that exact kicking animation (Hope I'm allowed to post a youtube link? If not please let me know and I'll remove)
  5. Hello everyone, ( First Post :-) ) I was hoping you could point me in the right direction. I have searched JKHub for mods that contain new kicking animations but unfortunately I could not find 'Animations' as a category and also searching for both words (Kick, Animation) did not result in finding them. I'm assembling a Kotor mod for personal use and would like to incorporate new kicking animations as replacement to the default JK3 ones which I'll try to merge with my existing animations.cfg :) Thanks in advance for any help.
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