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File Comments posted by Wundai


       361    7



    Could I please receive some aid?

    I've reread all the steps I need to take to merge my gla file with the _humanoid.gla and have all files in the correct _humanoid folder. Also the gla_merge.bat file contains the correct (copy/pasted) text. But the gla_merge.bat does not do anything when run. Same goes for the glamerge.exe. When I double-click it, it shows a prompt very quickly but no question for me to fill in an output file name. 

    The only problem I could think of is not having all the files in the same folder and/or not copy/pasting the text. But everything is in there. Any ideas?


    EDIT: Found!

    Somehow the .bat file didn't put 'enter' between the words, but put them all in one line. Now it works 🙂

    AI Workshop

       656    13

    Hello, hoping to ask for help on getting this to work. 

    I downloaded the files, and realise that I have a different version of the OpenJK exe and DLL files, therefore I did not overwrite, instead I went into to .Bat file and renamed the openjk.exe filename there.

    -Game loads, but none of the commands work (aiworkshop does not enable it, and any other command is not recognized)

    -I checked fs_game and it does state "workshop" which I think is a good thing


    Also unzipped the src.zip file into the workshop folder which is in my gamedata folder. But unfortunately didn't work.

    Any help please?

    Rend2 Setup UI

       244    4
    On 10/22/2023 at 10:45 PM, SomaZ said:

    You have to replace all old OpenJK files with the new ones from my repository. The communication between the game and the renderer has changed in my latest version, so it bascially cant "talk" with the old versions of the engine.

    Thanks so much! 🙂 It works

    SomaZ likes this

    Rend2 Setup UI

       244    4

    Hello, hoping for support. 

    I have OpenJK Singleplayer and I have the Rend2 SP renderer dll file in my gamedata directory. I downloaded the UI mod from this page, but I'm afraid both the UI mod and trying manually give me the same problem. When I switch to Rend2, it applies the changes after the vid restart but crashes with this error message:

    Trying to load "rdsp-rend2_x86_64.dll" from "D:\Program Files (x86)\Star Wars Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy\GameData"...
    Mismatched REF_API_VERSION: expected 19, got 18

  1. Sorry, this comment is 3 years too late but only know did I know of the existance of these scripts. Thank you so much! I've been enjoying self-made single player battles for a long time but with this it will become amazing!

    Probably a low chance that you still take requests Nikomaru but would it be possible to create a script that would let an npc follow you even if you are on the other side of the map. So make the distance required between the 2 of you limitless, making it follow you whenever a jedi for example is not in combat-mode? (Current similar script is about how far the npc stands away from you when following you, but my issue sometimes is I have to go through the area after a battle to pickup anyone still alive and have them follow me). Would be a great one imho.



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