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Michael May

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  1. 1,837 downloads

    Total Brushes : 12171 Total Entities : 1845 Secret Areas : 4 The Jedi Council has sent you to the main spaceport of the planet Okofo to find the dangerous criminal Lord Lukman. Hunt him down, but be care that he can't flee again. For this reason, find his spacecraft first and disable the departure. After this go for him and take any action as necessary to stop him. Good luck and may the Force be with you.
  2. 1,550 downloads

    otal Brushes : 7742 Total Entities : 1079 Secret Areas : 5 Marka Ragnos was not the only Dark Jedi which had experimented with the force. So we heard about a rumour that an other lesser well-known Sith was able to build a weapon like the Ragnos Scepter too. Is this story true so we have to found it before somebody wronge can may use it. Your mission will be to find out this weapon exist or not. For this you have to travel back to the Sith world Korriban. If you find the Scepter so bring it to Yavin for safety.
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