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Everything posted by Carbon

  1. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/335/a/9/majestic_by_soberdreams-d4hutpz.png http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/298/b/4/recent_works_by_soberdreams-d4dwekv.png http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/345/c/f/yo_glitcha_youtube_background_by_soberdreams-d4iuauw.png This is what is available. All aspects of the picture are photo taken by myself. The field is behind my house, the sky is a sky, and the butterfly and boat were down at the docks near my house. This was an entrance exam piece for my intern company. The flyer is an older flyer I did for a promotion company in columbus ohio. The youtube design was paied for by a kid on youtube xD. He is doing very well. Living the dream in Florida haha!
  2. TFC was my cousin's clan, Hitman. I re-made it when he left under the name of Evox
  3. EHHH Not really. Many people who do contractual work do not like their work to be publicly showcased (I find this VERY true with website designs for some reason, almost like they don't want anyone to know who made their website or something). Logo's and stuff usually have multiple versions and I dislike to post them all. I have a bit of work on my .stash but those are for my eyes only .
  4. Version v1


    INSTALLAION: Extract to GameData\japlus folder DESCRIPTION: This config file creates a scrollable list for all single, dual and staff sabers without having to use console or player menu. BUGS: Might have to press END twice if spamming END COMMENTS: This file was meant to help JKA players have an easier way to scroll through all sabers without binding mutiple keys. HOW TO USE: In game do /exec saberchanger (or bind it to a key ex: /bind f1 exec saberchanger). This will create a scrollable list on the top left of your screen. Use PGUP and PGDN to scroll the list; when you find the saber you want press the END key to make it magically appear in your hand. Easy enough! If you have any questions please feel free to comment! Enjoy and let me know how you like it!
  5. Heh I enjoyed this post. 1. Yes, your point? I don't make backgrounds for money lol. I make websites and logo designs for that; signature design and wallpaper design are hobbies. 2. I have been designing since I was 13 on CS1. I only went professional about two years ago because I was able to get contracted to a few companies. 3. Yea, my fiance works. I was saying I would not have chosen to have a child if I ALONE could not pay for it. That was/is my standard. Doesn't matter what my fiance makes, If I can not support a child alone I will not bring it into this world. I would like to be able to give my baby a good life 4. My lease was up in two months anyways. If I would have stayed I would have been charged a $500 stay fee. It's retarded but in the lease agreement. I moved home because my civic was being retarded and I wanted to be able to have a few months to save up extra cash to spend on it and not hurt my savings. Plus, this gives me a chance to look for a house for my family. -------------------------------- Anyways, yes. I smoke weed about once a week with a buddy of mine. I love it. Biasing whether or not I would be fit to be a parent over it is an absurd gesture. I have not smoked a cig in about three months now as well ! Soooo yea. All i got left to say is this:
  6. Lol. Quick and simple I smoke like once a week. I work at a fortune 500 company during the mornings and at a chipotle sometimes from like 2am-8am or 3pm-7pm. I have been working since I was 13 and have been saving money every paycheck. I would not have a child on the way if I could not support it ALONE. My fiance working a job as well is just a nice bonus. And I am living with my parents for two weeks (i have been out since I was 18 lol) so i can save a month's worth of rent, move to a new HOUSE (not apartment) and get my car all the repairs it needs without my bank account going below 15,000. Also, idc if you attack my IQ and my integrity. I came here with a purpose to maybe help the community, if it is not wanted no would have been quite a fine answer o.o. On top of which I maybe get on JKA 2 hours every 3 days now. I am on LOA from EK just to have more time IRL xD.
  7. Why not just make an option that when you buy a gun while buying it it asks what key you want to bind the gun to if any..... That or the template idea.
  8. Well I would like to make this offer. I would very much like to join the JKHub staff if possible! I can design, moderate etc (6 years as admin on many forums etc IPB yada yada) and would love to help you guys out in any way I can. Let me know! UPDATE: I just noticed this is indeed IPB. I would love to be able to get you guys a few custom hooks I have aside. I think I can really take this forum to the next level if ya'll hear me out. It is fantastic as is, I have a few hooks and addons that you guys might like! Lemme know asap via PM maybe? Idk! I'm stoned but yea I would love this.
  9. My second tat. The 8 is for my 8 closest family and my 8 best truest friends.
  10. Alright so I will make this easy to follow and as informative as possible! Real Life About Me I am 20 years old, birthday is April 30th 1992. I am graduated and happily engaged with a fiance and kid on the way. I have a 195 IQ and graduated with a 4.3 GPA (i act retarded on game because IRL I have to be strict at my job and like to feel free on JKA). I have a dog (german shepard/wolf hybrid) that I love to death. I currently live at my parent's house (moved back in a few days ago to save money for car repairs) and work three jobs at about 65 hours a week. I am in school to become a Cisco Network Admin but have been a graphic designer since I was 13. I am currently working contracts as a professional web/graphics designer. JK Life I started playing JK2 when I was 8 years old and co-lead a clan called TFC (232 members Tri-Force Clan) with my cousin who introduced me to the JK world. I got JK3 the day it came out and took TFC with me. In 2004 I left the JKA world for two years and came back. I went euro for a few months and was in clans such as: =TK=, KAS, Legend and JoF. When I got tired of the euro BS I hopped over to EK for the first time. After about a year in EK as a Master with Knight Admin (I joined EK two days after Terra :3) I had to leave for a long LOA due to school and work. I came back about a year ago to nova banning me on sight and being nova. After 2 months of insta bans I finally was let back into EK as an APP. As of a week ago I am also training with Victus as well. I hold the Top Rated Reborn Skin on JK3 files from 2005-2007. I took it down after seeing it whored to the max over JKA. I learned how to skin from a guy named Milamber. <3
  11. Death's Beauty, Dango and Skull Galaxy all have 100% my original artwork. The other ones are done using renders (aka focals. Ex: In ''Lonely Soul'' Ichigo is the focal/render) and all the backgrounds, effects and blending are my own.
  12. Come one come all. Here are some of my wallpaper designs that I have done recently. Feel free to comment and use! Here is a link to my Deviant Art if you would like to see more! Sober Designs Deviant Art Serenity Of Nature Dead Silence Tech Pokemon Death's Beauty Dango Skull Galaxy Lonely Soul Lost in Space Bikini
  13. I am a professional graphic/web designer. Here is my latest wallpaper for myself. Thought I would share, feel free to use!
  14. Thanks man! Thought you to be dead ! No they are two of my buds from EK .
  15. I will do some testing today and see what comes up. I have also been interested to see how the server differs. Expect a review tonight or tomorrow.
  16. Thank's for the warm welcome. I would offer my services to your community but as a retired modeler for JK2 and JK3 I do not feel as if I could be much help here. Look forward to trying to become a part of the community.
  17. Hey all, as many of you know a new mod was released late last year under the name of JA++. Many have been wondering if this mod is just a fluke or if it REALLY is the next step in JKA, I am here to give you my personal input on the matter. I used to work on a few forums as a review writer and I have been asked to review this mod by many people. So here it is! The Good? -Awesome new menu options for settings. The mod team has done a FANTASTIC job in making more options open to the players. Be it a strafe helper (a little line bar to show the perfect angle for a strafe), to texture and performance enhancements. -There is now a new chat box (original can be used) with a tabbing system! -Excellent options for in game settings. From choosing how your shields look (base, JA+ or custom) to how duelists look (personally i have all duelists set to invisible ) this mod has done a really good job at giving you full function over how your game and your character perform in game. The Bad? -The text takes a little to get used to. As a new mod there are many different things that lead me to say I do NOT recommend this mod to a new player. -With all the fancy new options it CAN reduce your FPS a bit (however as a con this is also a pro because you can choose all default settings to be just like JA+). The Ugly? -This mod does not support filtering out Haldir or Cheer. Yes. You will still have to put up with their ugly faces . I am currently working on a universal plugin that will fix this obvious flaw in the coding to erase these two from existence. My final verdict: I would HIGHLY recommend this mod to players who enjoy JA+ (again no new players haha). It takes the mod to the next level in my mind, and is totally worth the download. I would actually go out to say that when EK comes back up THIS should be the server side mod. It is in dev which means that any new bugs or errors are fixed by a team that actually works on what the community would like. It is not like JA+ that has a release every 10 months (if that). I will provide detailed instructions on how to get this mod below! Screenshots --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to get the mod 1. Download the mod: JA++ 0.3 b1 (9.31mb) 2. If you do not have it grab a .zip or .rar extractor: 7zip 3. Open the downloaded folder. 4. Navigate to your JA+ folder (ex C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\japlus) and take all the files downloaded and place them in there (no this mod does not get it's own folder. You lose the original JA+ which isnt a big deal because this has all the defaults from JA+ anyways). 5. Remove the JA+ GLA animations from your GameData/base folder (ex C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base named: japlus_gla_anims.pk3). 6. Remove clientPlugin_v*.pk3 from GameData/japlus (ex C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\japlus) 7. Download the optional add on for replacing melee animations: Melee Animation Replacement Useful Cvar Commands Useful Commands Nice job to the creator(s) of this mod, it is by far my favorite :clap:
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