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Everything posted by Gigon

  1. 262 downloads

    Features: - gametype: FFA, Team, Duel, Power Duel - 4 respawnable AT-ST - 8 respawnable turret - bot support note: Bots may act stupid, bots do not use AT-ST/turret.
  2. 79 downloads

    Features: - gametype: FFA, Team, Duel, Power Duel - 4 respawnable AT-ST - bot support note: Bots may act stupid, bots do not use AT-ST.
  3. 188 downloads

    Features: - 9 new crosshair - SP and MP compatible Notes: The crosshairs are less tranparent with no shaded area. They are in pair: one with the red dot, the other with a white dot. This mini-mod also work on Jedi Outcast, except that one of the crosshair got the ''missing texture'' texture. History: I found the original crosshair too dim and anoying, so I make those for my own use. Well, I guess they will please someone else, so here they are...
  4. 141 downloads

    I was annoy by the solid metalic parts of the hud... So I remove them. For me, everything that block vision is not good...
  5. 330 downloads

    Features: - gametype: FFA, Team, Duel, Power Duel - 1 respawnable rancor - bot support
  6. 54 downloads

    Features: - gametype: FFA, Team, Duel, Power Duel - bot support
  7. Version v1.1


    Features: - gametype: FFA, Team, CTF, Duel, Power Duel - Racetrack theme map - 16 respawnable swoop - 10 respawnable turret - bot support This map need those fine vehicle in your BASE folder to work properly: - sithspeeder_mst by Monsoontide, Duncan_10158 - speeder_bike_dun03 by Duncan_10158 Attention: Bots may act stupid, get stuck or not use swoop/turret. Also they are not good at CTF and Team FFA: Please, do not complain about that. This map is made to be played by human.
  8. 47 downloads

    This is a NFOR Clan Map!!! My gift for the first birthday of the clan!!! - gametype: FFA, Team, Duel, Power Duel - 18 spawnpoint - 6 respawnable taun-taun - ''2 positions'' dance floor - Usable ''cheers!!'' cake - Water/electrical trap with remode control - Usable tune player (Cantina, Baby!) - 2 hidden weapon - 1 secret passage - Custom ''tete-port device'' - A few custom textures - A few custom sound - bot support known bug: ''Using'' the cake stop the tune
  9. 97 downloads

    Requirement: JA Bonus Maps from Raven (bonus.pk3) Features: - gameplay type: team duel powerduel ffa - 8 ffa spawnpoints - 4x2 team-spawnpoint - Crusher trapp on the lower level - Bots support gameplay note: - To activate the crusher: shot at it! - Bot support is not so good... Construction note: - This map is a conversion of a map I made for 'StarTrek: Voyager Elite Force'named: Forge-Arena
  10. 66 downloads

    A JK2 map supporting several game types.
  11. 105 downloads

    Those maps have been made, well, last year but never been release. Here they are! They have been tested here by LAY and Sophie, so big thanks to them!
  12. 55 downloads

    This map is the first of a series.
  13. 44 downloads

    A small map supporting several game modes. Includes bot support.
  14. 54 downloads

    First I make this map for Elite Force. I convert and remake it for JK2 because I like it Very much! To avoid falling damage: jump on the red Coruscant carpet.
  15. 69 downloads

    This map is the 2nd of the JOC series.
  16. 59 downloads

    This map is for the nfor clan, some part of it has been inspire by Praetorian. To avoid falling damage: jump on the red/blue Coruscant carpet.
  17. 46 downloads

    This is a very small map: a white room and a guns room. A tool for skinner to view/test/screenshot their work. I have include the .MAP in the pk3. So your free to use it as long as you give me some credit in your readme file. THIS IS NOT REALLY A PLAYABLE MAP,
  18. Gigon



    This is a stormtrooper default skin replacement: One is orange, the other is green. Personally I like the orange one, I'll use it the most! I have made those skins while I was trying to make a single-player mod... I did not make the mod but the skins are here!
  19. 107 downloads

    This map is actually a conversion of an Elite force map. It's inspire by the Star Trek universe so it may look strange in Star Wars... Do no complain about the ship looking like a submarine, I already know!
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