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Elder Days

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Everything posted by Elder Days

  1. I’ve fought my way to the tram and can’t find a way to activate it. As far as I can tell running along the track is not an option. Am I missing something?
  2. I hope it sees some love soon as it is the most promising single player mod I’ve come across.
  3. While it was decent for its time the single player campaign is starting to show its age in a few areas. I’m hoping to find a mod or mods that can at least partially remedy this. I’m looking for mods that can do any of the following; -Improve enemy AI especially for non force users. Right now Stormtroopers and the like practically throw themselves on my lightsaber. Increasing the likelihood of disarmed enemies surrendering would also be nice. I often feel less like a Jedi and more like a psycho attacking a group of camp councilors. -Increased enemy variety. Rather than just room after room of stormies and officers it would be nice to come up against some Army and Naval Troopers with some different equipment and tactics. Seeing more non force user melee enemies would be great. Gemorians with vibro axes in the Merc and gangster levels and imperial troops with force pikes and shock sticks. -More Weapon variety along with reloading mechanics. Limit number of weapons a player can carry to two or three to bring things in line with modern shooters. It maybe that I’ll need to figure out how to do this stuff myself if I want to see it but I’d appreciate any tips on where to look.
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