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Posts posted by Starlord101

  1. 2018 nearly ends and it marks great achievements of our mod.


    We have got to hand it to our amazing developers. Without you guys, this mod is never be reborn again.


    I hope that our mod and community members will succeed more in 2019.


    Happy New Year and May the Force be with you.

  2. It is nice to see another season of the series Clone Wars which inspired our mod a lot.


    Let's hope we will explore new planets with new characters in the upcoming season.


    I would like to see a whole episode of the attack of General Grievous on the planet Coruscant to kidnap Palpantine and killed his four Jedi Knight bodyguards.


  3. I tried manual download and it worked. It seems that the problem relates to the updater.


    By the way, I don't know if it is intentional or be bugged: for the Galatic Republic section, except Master Yoda and Windu, all of the Jedi can't throw their lightsabers like before.


    Once again, thank you very much. 


    P/s: I was little scared when I saw Darth Sidious's evil face at the first time :)))

  4. Hmm where you see Master Zao, Master Tsui Choi, Master Oppo Ranciris in this videos?

    Master Oppo Ranciris was in the first video, where a line of new Jedi stood.


    When I suggested him to the mod, I thought he would never be added because of his body type. Now I am happy though, our devs are amazing.


    Master Zao and Master Tsui Choi (short guy) were in the second video, they stood behind Master Kit Fitso, Eeth Koth, and Saetiin. 


    You can check the NPC list on Linken's google docs to see new Jedi (the link is in his development topic). There are five more Jedi this time. I don't know I can count Squint as a Jedi because he will become Darth Malak

  5. I forgot to mention that for those suggested Jedi:


    9. Jedi Knight Roron Corobb


    We also have models of an Ithorian senator (Stonk) and an Ithorian citizen in our current mod. However, both of them can't use light sabers or force powers.


    11. Jedi Knight Finn Ertay


    In our mod, we have one female Twilek citizen has the same appearance like this Jedi but she can't use light sabers and force powers too.


    For the rest of my suggested Jedi, I guess we have not had any model of them yet, they are:

    2. Master Tsui Choi


    4. Master Tera Sinube


    5. Master Pong Krell


    6. Master Oppo Rancisis (this one will be hard for design, I just list for suggestion)


    7. Master Ky Narec (Ventress's former Jedi Master)


    8. Master Yaddle 


    10. Jedi Knight Foul Moudama


    12. Jedi Knight Thongla Jur ( a rare Jedi from Anx species, in episode I, there was an Anx Senator, too)



    Thank you for your time.

  6. These are the old links from the original JKA Hub, not sure the download files still work properly:


    1. Master Sifo-Dyas  (I successfully added this NPC in the original KoTF)



    3. Bultar Swan (I successfully added this NPC in the original KoTF):




    6. Master Oppo Rancisis  Only has lightsaber style, not tested.



    The original JFA mod had been made earlier and other Jedi came later in the Clone Wars cartoon movie and series.


    Beside, the old creator abandoned his work without sharing the base code from what I remember so other contributors could not add anything and gave up, too.


    This is why I am very happy to see your mod with many cool NPCs from Clone Wars (Harley, Ima Gun Di, specific clone troopers,...) and Rebels series (Ghost team and Ashoka)

    Smoo likes this
  7. I heard that with a new renovation in AI, the future mods can eliminate 80 NPCs (one NPC with several statuses: Default, Light, or Dark).


    Therefore, I hope our successful mod will have more rooms for some Jedi Knights from The Clone Wars and The Force Unleashed, such as:


    1. Master Sifo-Dyas


    2. Master Tsui Choi


    3. Bultar Swan


    4. Master Tera Sinube


    5. Master Pong Krell


    6. Master Oppo Rancisis (this one will be hard for design, I just list for suggestion)


    7. Master Ky Narec (Ventress's former Jedi Master)


    8. Master Yaddle 


    9. Jedi Knight Roron Corobb


    10. Jedi Knight Foul Moudama


    11. Jedi Knight Finn Ertay


    12. Jedi Knight Thongla Jur ( a rare Jedi from Anx species)



    Those are just my personal suggestions.


    Thank you for your time.


    Best wishes for your team.

    Dart Vader likes this
  8. Hi,


    I customized many scenarios with maps.


    In one of my recent scenarios, a Mutant Rancor (with 10k HP) battled with over 30 master Jedi (all of them are powerful Jedi from The Old Republic, The Galactic Republic, and The Rebellion) and a squad of Clone Commandos.


    Obviously, the monstrous Mutant Rancor slays my allies by throwing, poisoning, and eating them alive. 


    In my luckiest case, I barely survived with 4-5 Jedi.


    In my worst case, the Rancor's HP bar vanished and it became immortal no matter how much damage I and allies attacked it. I wonder if it is a bug or not.


    Thank you.

  9. Hi there,


    First of all, I really appreciate your work to revive one of the best mod in the Star Wars Universe. Your mod is very well-organized and fantastic.


    All NPCs are located in the correct section with excellent orders. You guys really work hard.


    Now I don't need to add NPCs for each scenario before entering the game.


    Secondly, I would like to ask what the maximum number of NPCs from your mod in the custom map is. Beside, is there anyway that I can increase the maximum NPCs?


    In the original KotF many years ago, the only way to increase the maximum NPCs in a custom map is to use a third-party program which is very complicated. (I forgot the name, players in the old JKHUB website mentioned it)



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