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    Competitive Play
    Capture the Flag
    Moviebattles 2
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    Mac OS El Capitan

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  1. Can you make the shield for the zakuul knight? or try to make the white armoured zakuul knight?
  2. What about a King Adas?
  3. that's really nice, great job
  4. i can't use image extension for some reason but it looks like this: https://www.google.com/search?q=horizon+guard&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJ55260YLgAhXIad4KHUF-AXkQ_AUIDigB&biw=1440&bih=767#imgrc=kMrtuzLcxyaJiM:
  5. Can you make the horizon guard from kotfe?:
  6. Wondering if anyone could make a skin out of this model for tyth god of rage from swtor:
  7. I have school
  8. But apparently @@ShenLong Kazama has one and he was about to make it, dunno why it hasn't turned up yet....
  9. Can @@Jeff do a model for Darth Andeddu aka Immortal God King of Prakith?
  10. The room itself: The throne room is surrounded by this glass globe which looks down on the planet: And finally, the entrance, though you may not need to add the knights there because they are not always present:
  11. Can you send me the map for the throne room?
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