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  1. I actually wanted to have a JA++ server but it seems they only offer JA+. Does anyone have experience renting a server from them? $10 for a 32 slot sounds good but not sure if I should trust it. I think I may have had a server hosted by Caelum a few years back but have been unable to contact him so im not sure if he even offers those services anymore. Any tips would be appreciated
  2. Ive been searching where I can buy/rent a server to start a new Jedi Academy clan. I THINK I used to rent 1 from Caelum but have been unable to find a link anywhere to go about doing that again so im guessing he no longer does server hosting for Jedi Academy. So ive been looking into a website called BlueFangSolutions. Is this a good move? Or does anyone have a link to rent 1 from Caelum?
  3. I have tried different values to make it possible to set more than 10 mines but no matter what the value the max still seems to be 10. I added 4 bots at the bottom of the server.cfg underneath the map part, and i made minimum bots 0 maximum bots 4 (im not sure if im using the correct cvars). When I do exec server... there will be duplicates of each bot so theres 8, even though the max is 4. And after dropping all of the server side JPLUA plugins into japlus... now the server randomly broadcasts "Remember to have fun! Have a nice day!" how do i edit this message? i was something one of these plugins would fix the motd now counting down and instead only showing 1 and being stuck but that problem still hasn been resolved. other messages i still cant find where to edit are when a player joins he server it will cut off... saying like playername has joined the ba. Is there somewhere i can add a \n in there to make it not do thatt if so where? afer duels it will say "You has won the duel"
  4. I did get it to display remaining health and shield after a duel but it goes straight to console print. Is there a way to make it ja+ style centerprint? . The motd does'nt go away even though i have it set for only 8 seconds. it will begin at 1 and not go away. It stays dtuck at 1. It does go away if any other centerprint comes on the screen. But if i dont do anythithing to make that happen it will stay there. This doesnt happen to all players but it does for some and me as well. Also, I tried to ammindtrick another player and it kicked everyone off the server including myself. I did this a few times and each time it kicked everyone off the server. idk if the fact that he was a lower level admin had anything to do with it? i didnt try mindtricking anyone else.
  5. So i went from ja+ to ja++ and was unable to find a server.cfg i could use that covers everything. I am not sure if i got all the cvars needed to tweak the settings correctly. I have been studying the cvars page posted here. It helped alot but some things i havent been able to figure out are... After a duel... It doesn't say the amount of HP the winner had left. Also, In ja+ the Motd that appears once you actually go in the server doesnt work. JP_MOTD doesnt seem work. So when i go into my server... Nothing at all is displayed. And something im confused about is.. For example. Amrename says $ renamed to $ or something along those lines instead of showing who renamed who to what.
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