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  1. Oh, yeah, I use a Git with Visual Studio, of course. I suppose I should have said no formal online version control, heh. Correction: I use a Git, but apparently not properly. I learned C years and years ago as a hobby, not as anything professional, and wow does Git ever confuse the hell out of me. All I want it to do is store a pristine copy of the OpenJK source that I can then build off of and compare my changes against, but I can't seem to figure out how. Guess I'll roll like it's 1994 again and just keep separate copies along with a master change log, haha. Got my fork going. Was massively overthinking how Git does source control. Turns out it's pretty neat. Repo's here. Haven't pushed anything yet as I need to migrate a lot of stuff over from my clunky old way of doing things.
  2. Not a formal one, no. I should probably create an official fork...
  3. Yup, I've actually played with JA Enhanced a bunch. Great mod. I want to get all of this stuff working independently first, but afterwards it wouldn't be hard at all to integrate the changes into other OpenJK projects. I'm fanatical about keeping track of what I modify in the source.
  4. Yup, that's definitely doable. I like the idea of having randomized encounters. One of the (several) reasons JA is too easy is that there really are no surprises after the first playthrough.
  5. Hi folks! This is a small OpenJK fork I started working on for JA a couple days ago with the sole intention of spicing single player up a bit. The base game is quite easy even on its highest difficulty, so for my own amusement I thought I'd try to give the enemies more of a fighting chance while also perhaps opening up a few new playstyles for Jaden. Please let me know if you've got any suggestions toward those ends. GitHub repository is located here. Completed Bowcaster hits now have a knockback effect and an additional chance to knock damaged targets down. Stopping a bolt with a lightsaber will drive you back a couple feet as well.Bowcaster bolts can now be reflected on Hard. Previously they'd just disappear, which I thought was rather silly.Attempting to use a lightsaber to deflect damage from a DEMP2 will cause the lightsaber to deactivate and be briefly unusable. DEMP2 shots will also cause guns to jam for a brief amount of time.Increased the player's likelihood of being knocked down by explosive effects from 0%/33%/50% on Easy/Medium/Hard to 0%/50%/100%.Removed the attack cooldown from Force Grip, allowing you to saber or shoot enemies that you're choking (though any attack except for a thrown saber will break the hold). Victims of ranks 2 and 3 of Grip will also fall down after being released.Increased NPC weapon damage values on Hard to equal a player's. Previously, most guns did significantly less damage in the hands of NPCs, even on the most difficult setting.Increased the burst spacing (rate of fire) of NPC guns on Hard to be equivalent to those of the player.Increased the pitiful blast radius of thermal detonators.Enemies with blaster rifles will now mostly use primary fire (more accurate, fewer shots) when their target is far away, and secondary fire (inaccurate, many shots) when the target is near.Enemies with the Imperial repeater gun will lay waste to their surroundings with the explosive alternate fire when targets close in on them. Very nasty!Enemies with the flechette launcher will frequently use its scatter bomb alternate fire when their target is at long range. In Progress Fix the facepalm-inducing time it takes for Imperial officers to attack once they come out of stealth. Neat Ideas? Possibly randomize the appearance of certain enemies (an idea taken from Seven's Reborn Sith Replacer and Spanki's wonderful Sith Customization).Similarly, possibly randomize (within reason) the weapons, AI ranks, and other stats of enemies at spawn. Discarded Changes No more increased projectile speeds. It was actually a bit too brutal combined with some of the other tweaks.No more chance to be knocked down by bowcaster bolts at close range even if you deflect them (same reason).
  6. Yeah, I eventually figured that out. Nav show all makes it easier to tell where the system breaks down, but it's not foolproof. I've found that even a well-connected waypoint network doesn't work properly without navgoals at various places along it. Not sure if that's intended or not.
  7. Thanks! I'll check it out for sure. I've mostly gotten waypoints working, but it's been a chore. I wish the AI were a bit less clunky.
  8. Update: figured most of this out by trial and error. Turns out that waypoint networks can't be comprised of only two waypoints -- they need at least three to be functional. Now I see why Raven used so many closely-packed sets of triple waypoints in their example maps.
  9. Hi folks. I'm tinkering with making some single player maps for JA and have run into a bit of difficulty understanding exactly how the NPC waypoint system works. The few tutorials I've found on it have either been vague or haven't produced the right results when I followed them (particularly true of https://jkhub.org/mapping/richdiesal/Entities220_Lesson_5_NPCSpawning_files/en220lsn5.htm), so I thought perhaps I could find some enlightenment here. :3 What I can do: use ICARUS scripts to move NPCs among waypoint_navgoals via a waypoint chain. It took some time to figure out that NPCs apparently can't detect a waypoint that isn't relatively close to them, but looking at the original Raven maps seems to support that this is the case. What I can't quite do: get point_combat to work correctly. That old tutorial I linked above seems to claim that NPCs will use the waypoint network to find a point_combat from which they can attack the player, but I can't get this to work...or, more accurately, I can't get it to work with most NPCs. For example, take this setup: The entity on the left is info_player_start. On the right we've got an enemy. If the enemy is NPC_Stormtrooper, it'll attack you if you're in its line of sight, but never pursue you if you go outside of it (even if you use an ICARUS script on spawn to toggle its SET_CHASE_ENEMIES to true). This seems right -- without waypoints, it can't really figure out where to go. However, if I add waypoints that would allow the stormtrooper a path around the wall (having first set the stormtrooper's behavior states using a script, of course), then get in combat with him before hiding behind the wall again, he stubbornly stays where he is. Likewise, point_combats seem to do nothing...but only for the stormtrooper! If I change the enemy to a Gran, for instance, it will actively try to reach the point_combat entities when the player is out of line of sight. It's easy to track this by using nav show all in-game and watching the arrows. I know that the type of weapon held by an enemy factors into its AI, and I've looked through the JKA source code enough to see that the various NPC classes have pretty different reactions to various combat situations, but I still feel like I'm missing something (probably something quite simple!).
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