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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. Okay, so as far as I can tell, after trying in a normal game scenario, Saber offense does not directly change your styles in/of itself, or at least by me going into the console doing setsaberoffense x. But in idealogy it does kinda I guess. Your saber styles are affected by some hidden power. Besides saber locks what other little things does it do exactly? I'm just trying to understand it a bit better, partially to write a better ingame description of it. What did you mean by a "mask of styles" exactly? I'd imagine your referring to the hidden power I just mentioned.
  2. surely a most dangerous weapon... depending on where it's been...
  3. That's part of the point of the mod, I feel like there are a lot of really good SP maps out there people miss out on. That stuff isn't really a problem, most of that stuff is connected directly to the map itself. And the stuff that isn't can mostly be done through clever scripting and uicoding. Everything I've posted so far is doable exactly by those methods. That's how I got the ingame tips to work. It was very tedious figuring out how to script them. Thank you. What were you putting in your mod? I honestly could use some help. Technically I can do almost all of the stuff my self, but it's a very time-consuming process. Main things I could use help with is making that .roq video for the main SP menu. Also I'm having trouble with something specific. I have a "saber damage:" option for starting a new game. This lets you choose "normal" or "heavy," and when I set it up, as I click the menu buttons, it will return the correct value I want for g_sabermorerealistic. However as soon as I actually start the new game it gets reset. I'm guessing I'll have to tie the menu button into some sort of seta g_sabermorerealistic command in a .cfg. But I'm too lazy right now to figure it out.
  4. I could use it, however, I'm trying to keep the filesize from ballooning too much. Here's the missions I was planning on using so far (if I didn't say the author its cause I can't remember off the top of my head): - Sith Valley by Michael May - Operation: Spaceport by Michael May - Crash On Tatooine by Mercenary - Eve of Redemption by Mercenary - JK3 expanded missions (search JK3 Expanded 1.0 on jk2files.com) Also some mini-campaigns possibly: - Imperial Outpost parts 1-3 - Dash Rendar: Resurgence - Deception Some other things I considered: Escape from Yavin IV, the Nina mods, and some sort of SP ladder mod. Problem is those two are full-blown campaigns and the ladder mod is something I might just not add for space saving. With the missions I just posted I'm probably looking at at least 300 mb for those alone, not to mention the other tidbits I'm adding.
  5. Hmm, okay that makes more sense. The saber styles don't work for me though under my circumstances. Like say I devmap mp/duel1 in SP. I'll only have medium style. Yet my saber offense level is 3. And as I change my offense level my stances don't change. Perhaps though that's because I'm sort of bending the game's rules, or I'm not doing things the normal way. Saber Offense 1-7 do have another effect. They definitely increase your strength in a saber lock as you go up. At level 7 I can easily win a saberlock against say... tavion or desann. And normally that's extremely difficult or almost impossible at saber offense 3.
  6. You can also check out this tutorial: http://forums.filefront.com/sw-jk3-modding-mapping-editing/123422-menu-script-tutorial.html I'd start with the menu coding tutorial we have here on jkhub, as the one I'm posting is fairly complex. It gives you an exact description though of almost every menu command.
  7. I agree. The Reborn fights are fairly challenging, requiring patience and precision. And the cutscenes are well-done with good (and slightly funny) voice acting.
  8. So I'm trying to figure out how these powers work in Single Player saber combat. They're kinda strange the way their coded, as their effects in saber combat are very subtle and they're not very important. My findings: Saber Offense: - The game's description for this is wrong. - Goes all the way up to level 7 - This does not increase your chance to break a parry whatsoever. Whether I had it set at 1 or 7 it was exactly the same, sometimes my swings would be knocked away, sometimes not. (tested with single medium and staff) - This does not add saber styles. - This ONLY seems to affect your strength in saber locks (1 your weak, and at 7 your ridiculously strong) Saber Defense: - Level 1: you can be disarmed by having your attack parried (sounds like something SOffense would do ) or by being hit by a strong attack. - Level 2: you can no longer be disarmed by having your attack parried, and your defense is slightly stronger. - Level 3: your guard is slightly stronger, you can parry/knockaway some saber attacks (only at this level). Does anyone know how saber offense works exactly? It seems really dumb if it only affects your saber lock strength and absolutely nothing else.
  9. So I'm putting "tips" in my mod. You see them during loading screens. Each time you leave the loading screen it cycles to another tip. Screenshot of a loading screen: Uploaded with ImageShack.us Here's my archive of SP tips so far. Please give me suggestions as to what other tips I could put in, I don't want say more than 20 total though (you have to go through at least 1 loading screen just to see 1!). Right now I have like 12 tips. (Just click the spoiler button to see.)
  10. QVM supports everything I'm using, just the video quality becomes terrible in the finish .roq file. I guess I'm just going to try a different codec and see if I get better results.
  11. I got it. I had to set it up like this. (Top of Loadscreen menu file): ~ onClose { exec "vstr tipcyclenext" } and then, cvar gameplaytip cvarFloatList (cvarstrlist didn't want to work) { "First tip." "0" "Second tip." "1" } Then I had a config file: vstr tip1 seta tip1 "gameplaytip 0; set vstr tipcyclenext vstr tip2" seta tip2 "gameplaytip 1; set vstr tipcyclenext vstr tip1" Now it cycles between first tip and second tip each time I pass through the loading screen. Now I just need to add more tips B)
  12. No, I'm not editing the .avi at all first. And when I compiled, I tried setting the quality to the lowest possible, as well as towards the higher end, with those options checked and unchecked. Didn't seem to make a difference as far as I could tell. I'm guessing you mean "didn't work" as in they messed up when you put them into an .roq file right? As the .avi videos I have look fine in QVM before I put them into an .roq file.
  13. Now, I'm sure this is possible, one way or another. Just not sure how. I wan't to make a menu cvar in SP that does this: Everytime the menu is shown it will display a different piece of text for this menu item. I want to use it for loading screens to display gameplay tips to players. Now I'm guessing it'd need to be a cycle command. I'm imagining I could set it up like this. cvartest "gameplaytip" Cvarstringlist { "MENUS@TIP1" "set gameplaytip MENUS@TIP2" "MENUS@TIP2" "set gameplaytip MENUS@TIP3" "MENUS@TIP3" "set gameplaytip MENUS@TIP4" } But I don't think it'll be that simple. Just looking for some guidance.
  14. I'm trying to make an .roq video out of some clips I have in .avi form. Everything looks fine on the movie preview and the preview of each scene in QVM (Quake Video Maker). But when I go to generate the movie and make the .roq, the quality of the video goes down the toilet! I understand the video is going to look pixelated in an .roq, as I'm downsizing the resolution from 800 x 600 to 512x384. But that's not the problem. The color gets really messed up, turning to a tannish black/white and there's all sorts of artifacts all over the video. I suspect it may have something to do with the .avi codec I'm using, which is a version of Microsoft Video 1. But I want to have a more clear idea of what's causing this, as for me to re-shoot videos and compile them into an .roq just for testing is fairly time consuming! Thanks for any help!
  15. Worked thank you^. I'm using the Quake Video Maker from swift tools. There's a tutorial by Inyri on the gamefront forums for making .roq files that you can find by google searching.
  16. I'm doing all the menu editing/ui coding. While I'm not making the parts, I'm mixing and mashing the stuff together (so obviously that makes me a l33t modder ). I'm working on a nice little video for the main menu. The dueling mod stuff, while simplistic, is my work. I'm going to try to make very slight tweaks to the scripts for fan-made maps (mainly adding just a few basic objectives to them!). I think SP is more for a player's enjoyment. I know what you mean though. The one thing I like about SP is with NPCs you can actually have cool saber duels. In MP the strategy whittles down to running/dodging and swinging your saber as much as possible. You can't really block or focus on being precise as much, at least it's more difficult.
  17. So I'm working on a mod. It includes my dueling mod, which still hasn't been posted on jk2files.org. It compiles some mods together by different authors or steals bits from them (I take no credit for the original works, and plan to name each author whose work I borrowed one way or another.) If start a sentence with (WIP), that means I may have already started working on that feature. Features of my Dueling Mod (subject to change as it's a Beta/WIP): 1. Single saber is buffed vs. staff and duals - default single sabers get a parrybonus "1" and breakparrybonus ".85" - staff sabers are given breakparrybonus "-.75" - medium style has better blaster fire deflection (the rebound animation is made quicker) 2. The medium flip attack is fixed to always play "FLIP_SLASH rather than FLIP_STABDOWN" or whatever it's called. 3. Staff and Duals saber twirls removed from the player - NPCs can still use them (I made it that way on purpose) - I just felt they were too dang cheap, no aim, no forcecost, etc. - Staff gets a hilt bash (slight damage, stagger, can knock down running enemies), duals a plain front kick - NPCs use these moves too but very rarely 4. Saber lengths increased - default Single sabers have "41" length - default Staff has "33" length - Other random sabers NPCs use are increased to look more like sabers than daggers 5. Manual Block move integrated directly into the controls menu. - I kind of stole this idea from Star Wars: Obi Wan - Basically it works like this: you tap the button for your character to raise his saber for a brief moment, then he goes back to auto-blocking. Other Features: 1. (WIP) Single Player levels from various authors integrated directly into the main SP menu as "bonus missions". 2. More interesting start-up, loading, main menu , and level select screens - (WIP) I'm going to compile an interesting loop video for the main menu, and I'll post previews of it! - I'll be using works from other authors possibly with slight modifications - I'll add game music to some SP menus 3. (WIP) More skins and saber hilts added to the SP customization menus featuring the works of various authors 4. More options in the game and controls menu. - cg_rendertotexturefx setting, dynamic glow intensity, over-the-shoulder camera, and more 5. (WIP) Some cool options for when you start a new single player game. - The idea is to have a little further customization of game difficulty - So I put in force hints on/off, health/shields level normal/75%/50%, and saber damage normal/heavy (uses the g_sabermorerealistic cvar) - I can't get the saber damage to work, the game doesn't seem to like me altering that cvar
  18. ^Topic title says it all. I'm wondering if there's a simple way to remove the black letterbox bars in the Single Player cinematics, like a cvar or something. I'm just trying to take a recording of the cutscenes without the bars being in there. Thanks!
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