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Everything posted by Ranger302

  1. ok np. I got it to work. Simple. I just renmoved all skins, models, and maps with NPC's in them. Then loaded this. Having a BLAST with it. I enjoyed it in JO now in JA also.
  2. I thoroughly enjoy this SP mod on JK2, but this won't work for me either on JKA. Keep getting too many NPC error messages like theirs. I have removed ALL the NPC files I can and still get it. I want to play this. Anyway this can be fixed? Or is there an Unlimited NPC mod for SP gameplay out there?
  3. Hi. I saw this and wanted it badly. I downloaded it and installed it. For some reason its not working for me. I put it in the correct folder but nothing. I really like it. You can have the Reborn bots work AND a more variety of saber colors for the bots. (As it SHOULD have been when the game was created..) Anyway is there a way to get this to work or do you have another version I can use? Please let me know here or use my email. Anyone else having a problem getting it to work? Just so you know I play JO and JA on Steam. I no longer worry about the actual game disks getting scratched or broken. I have windows 7 on my PC. Ty and take care.
  4. This and several other files can't be downloaded. I get an ERROR 404 message. It says it can't be download. Any chance this can be fixed? Please? I had this level on my old computer. Its fun to play. I'd like it on my new one to play again. ty.
  5. Wow I remember Tempest. A friend of mine asked me to try it a few times and it was great fun. Unfortunately, I haven't been on that server in quite a while. I'll have to check it out again soon.
  6. Yes it is tyvm. Much appreciated.
  7. Many thanks, OS.
  8. As I stated but in the wrong place, lol, were these 3 JA maps that I am seeking: Taspir Frag Edition V2 Orbital Planetshield Generator Castle at Corellia. Also on an old site called JK2 Classic files is a sound file that won't download. Its Luke's On/Off saber sounds. The file is called ROTJ_D'akt_saber_sound.zip. I'd like to have it if anyone can help. Oh and if anyone would like to know or already does, the LucasFiles site is down too. It says for "maintenance", but it has been that way for some time now. Its possible it may never become active again. We'll see. TY for any help. take care.
  9. Many thanks. By the way. Does the Hub have any avatars I can put above my name?
  10. Hi all. I just found out about this website a couple days ago. I have been reading several posts and scanned most of your files. I just finished reading the interview with LivingDeadJedi. Most interesting. I have played JA since it first came out and still do. I never get tired or bored of this game or JO. Not many games where you can have your very own lightsaber. lol I used to be with the JSU clan for a while, but most of the members have moved on to other games. There are a few of us left who still play JA. I have a request if anyone can help with it. A site called PCGamemods no longer exists but they had some great files (skins, models, maps, etc.) on there. There are a couple maps for JA I used to have and I'd like to get them again if anyone knows where I can download them from. They are: Taspir Frag Edition V2. JK 3 files has the original version but V2 was better. Orbital Shield Generator. This was a great and fun and large map. Very enjoyable to play. Castle at Corellia. Another fun and large map. My favorite JA map? I'd have to say Jurancor Park which I already have. I also love any Taspir maps. Great maps to use guns on against bots. But those three I'd like to find again and replace. If you have any questions about me or anything else, just ask. I'd be happy to reply.
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