Version V3
ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: 03-29-2005 After seeing Tim's reskin of the Samurai model by Jimesu_Evil at, a Ninja, I was amazed. However, I noticed some things most people didn't like that well... such as the topknot, belt, and katana. As well, I noticed the textures on the model looked awful on bright screens. (they turned a light green) So, I decided, to make a reskin of this reskin of the Samurai Model. The textures have been 'softened' and made cloth/silk like. They appear black even on the brightest of screens; as well, numerous hidden skin files are in the PK3. Please note that, like most of my skins, these were released when I was still fourteen to sixteen. As such, they're not the highest quality, and the readmes are pretty atrocious. Alas, I have since retired from JA modding since 2006. Inyri, if you see this, I still appreciate all the help you gave me. I'm pretty proud of this skinpack. As I remember, it's had over twenty-thousand downloads if you combine all the different sites.