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Posts posted by GenericUsername29

  1. @

    Well, uhh... Sorry, I think lol. You can still make your own if you want to :)

    Um... You can make whatever changes you want to it lol. Also, if, by chance, you happen to release this, I would like to be credited, but you don't have to give me credit.

    (I'm definitely releasing this...Eventually...)

    Also, fun fact, apparently textures aren't involved with rendering the visor? At least, that's how I ended up getting it. Apparently it just refers to the solid black color in textures/common, and then renders a chrome effect over it. That's a bit annoying because I can't seem to get it to have backface culling because of that, but other than that I guess it's fine?

  2. Well, great news guys. I did a bit of messing around in Blender, and after a bit, this happened.


    (Sorry about the not too particularly well made screenshot) That's using Droidy365's texture on the visor. Does it look good, or would you guys prefer a slightly different look for the visor?

  3. So somehow I came across this thread, which shows that the Saboteur was originally meant to have a visor, and this was removed at the last minute. So last minute in fact, that the faceplate is still on the model, and is referenced in the .skin file, and in my own (failed) attempt to bring the visor back myself, found it's even referenced in the players.shader file. The thread even mentions that it would be very easy to bring it back- simply make the image file and give it a shader. I tried that like I said, it didn't work out great for me. Though I also have no idea how shaders work, or generally anything that goes beyond a basic skin.




    There's the thread I mentioned, and the last post was posted in 2015, so safe to say we're probably not gonna be getting a visor mod from there, I guess? If anyone with more skill than me, which is a lot of people actually, would like to try to add the visor to the Saboteur, I think that would be great.

  4. UPDATE:

    As you wished, Racto won't be Hux,Hux will be Rax Joris,and Racto will be Bala-tik

    With the help of dark_apprentice,I'm working on a guy who looks like Bala-Tik. Not 100% but i'm trying :)

    the Death gang member is 70% done too :)

    aand continued working on HD textures like sand: :)



    Bala-Tik is looking really good, although the face could use some work. A tiny bit older, more of a frown on his face, and more of the stubble. And the Guavian member is looking good too, with a bit more detail in the suit and helmet, it should look good.


    Nice work on this!

  5. Looked through some of this, the mod looks pretty good so far!


    Though I have to say, I do think that General Hux would be a better replacement for Rax Joris, rather than Lannick Racto. Racto very much comes off as a gangster, at least to me, which isn't quite fitting for Hux's personality. (From what we've seen in the film, anyway.) Rax's personality isn't spot on either, but it's at least a bit more...Imperial? If you are getting new voice actors though, perhaps you could record new lines for Rax to more closely match Hux's personality. Just a suggestion.


    Edit: As for what to do with Racto, you could potentially use this guy?



    And replacing the human mercs with the Guavian Death Gang would probably be a good idea as well.

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