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File Comments posted by ooeJack


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    Amazing map, Acrobat. I've been playing it for a couple days with some buddies and it's great fun and a real challenge. I have't played b-mountain but I'll be sure to give it a go after this 1.  :)

  1. I had to do his proportions to the limitations of the JKA rig. If I make it look exactly like the image here, either he would look really skinny in the stomach region and good near his torso, or, like I found out while working on him, his shoulders, arms etc would not align with the skeleton rig because of his wide shoulder/torso build.


    It's hard to see in the in-game screenshots above, but I did try to do his proportions as close as the skeleton would let me. So much so that his shoulders and the skeletons shoulder bones actually do not line up, if you check that out the artstation link in the main post.





    In the above 2 links, you can see I've tried to recreate his stomach to torso proportions. Granted, I can see that I could have made his stomach a bit more slimmer in width, but I definitely could not have made his torso any wider. I intend to keep working on him, and will fix what I can while adding more content to him. :)


    Also, none of the stuff here is ported.

    I appreciate the comments from you guys. :)




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