Oh ok, it was the case in the original KOTF, it made gameplay much more diverse, I find. Well, each character has his very own stats and it makes some challenge and balance, like playing as Darth Vader or the Emperor against an army of sith soldiers won't be as much a challenge as trying to fight your way with a 40 HP Imperial TIE Pilot with a single pistol. Like the Duel of the Fates included made me think about it. The fight is quite long and against one powerful master jedi and his padawan. Instead of having to rely on the Heal force power, Darth Maul could have his light side power cancelled, but guess a large HP and shield bonus fitting is rank as one of the most powerful sith fighter. Well, whatever you do I love this mod and the work you put in it is enormous. Though, maybe this is an idea that could please you to try and apply in the future. Oh and another question concerning NPCS : will very special NPCS like mines monster, Imperial Security Droids, Imperial Sentry Droid, Howlers and such be playable in the future with their own assets? Some cheats (like level 4 mindtrick) allow for this, so I wondered...