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  1. Linken's post in Remove the taunt animation was marked as the answer   
    Finally got around to being able to get ingame. Here's a screenshot of my own attempts, which worked. If it's still not working for you, please make sure you downloaded our recent update we released this past august.

  2. Linken's post in Kyle's Iknowkungfu but actually.... was marked as the answer   
    So the "code-less" workaround would actually be to utilize the cvar g_debugmelee 1, you can have it set in your menu on startup so it's impossible to miss. 
    Also if you want another npc to use Kyle's melee attacks, make sure their npc class is CLASS_KYLE and they have the "1" spawnflag activated in their npc spawner.
  3. Linken's post in Gamorrean uses jedi taunt with vibro-axe was marked as the answer   
    I checked the source code and long story short, the animation, BOTH_GESTURE1, is hardcoded for npcs using a single saber. If they're using dual sabers, a staff, or CLASS_ALORA, then the animation is different.

    Basically the highlighted code reads:
    "If the npc is taunting, then do something. If the NPC is on the NPC class CLASS_ALORA, play her special taunting animation. If using dual lightsabers, play that animation. If using a staff OR using the staff stance, then play that taunt animation. Otherwise, play BOTH_GESTURE1 if that animation exists in my humanoid file."
    Looks like there was another instance where the npc would play an idle animation, but that was commented out so it'll never happen. I suppose in cases where an NPC is using a single lightsaber but doesn't have the BOTH_GESTURE1 animation.
    For the player, there is some variation allowed as you may know with the "taunt" command.

    This one basically reads if not using a saber, do the BOTH_ENGAGETAUNT animation (the animation that plays when you challenge a player to a duel in multiplayer). If using a saber, check if the .sab file has a tauntAnim then play that. Otherwise, depending on what saber style the player is using, play a different animation. So Fast/Tavion both get the twirling the saber with the force. All other single blade stances get BOTH_ENGAGETAUNT. Then dual and staff all get their own too.
    So long story short, if you want the Gamorrean to not use the force while taunting, you'll need to set the saber to be a saber staff, change the idle animation to whatever you want and that should work.
  4. Linken's post in Read Access Violation with respawning vehicles was marked as the answer   
    So just in case if anybody cares. The solution to the problem I implemented is add a target_delay for the vehicle to NPC_target to when the vehicle is automatically destroyed when crashing into a piece of map geometry. You need that small delay. Trying to fix it through the code would be a daunting task.
  5. Linken's post in Darth Zash was marked as the answer   
    Denied, model isn't for Jedi Academy.
  6. Linken's post in Exar Kun was marked as the answer   
    We already have Exar Kun.
  7. Linken's post in Where can I download individual KOTF maps/ skins/ sabers? was marked as the answer   
    Ummm...sift through the kotf assets and extract what you want?
  8. Linken's post in Missing Skins file. Updater doesn't download it! was marked as the answer   
    KotF_NPC_JEDI_SITH only contains npc files for the generic Jedi and Sith. I apologize for the inconvenience this causes.
    Here is the link to the CIS Npc file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qmhrFDmjn46sf0yvc0ih-9fovngM2h6B
    If you're missing any other files, browse here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1p6Z1uYW0ldrgETGARFynVVREJ0jQ63uu
  9. Linken's post in Warning: no shader files found was marked as the answer   
    Send me a screenshot over discord. My discord name is Linken#6000.
  10. Linken's post in GMAX: Strange extrusion bug? was marked as the answer   
    Ok, I have a "partial" solution. Start small, get big.
    Create a cylinder the size of the smallest segment of your lightsaber hilt, once the cylinder is lengthened, extrude each piece to the correct size. No edges sticking out.
  11. Linken's post in Lightsaber vertices was marked as the answer   
    It does, so how many vertices should the original model be at maximum before getting into "oh hell no" territory? Or is there no guarantee?
    Sorry, I should've said polygons, though you probably already knew what I meant. Also I've seen very detailed, even crazy lightsaber designs on here, like on the old Escape Yavin IV mod, thought it would be possible to make one of my own.
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