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Posts posted by TheSackMaster

  1. You're thinking too hard about the player models aspect of the game.  The player model's purpose is to differentiate players in the game to make it more interesting.  The purpose isn't to pick a character that has different traits and skills.  This isn't an RPG or Battlefront.  The model is simply just another customization feature of the game so that everybody isn't jumping around as Kyle (Ironic).  The point of the game is to do what the gametype says upon connecting.  For FFA it's to kill anyone and everyone to score points and get more points than everyone else.  Look into the different game types, maybe you will find one you like.

    so the player models are just to customize your character in multiplayer that makes sense sorry for all the confusion 

    Darth Martyr, Smoo, Futuza and 1 other like this
  2. ok so im confused about this game like i can see how some of these mods make sense like the rey player model and stuff but others dont make sense like captain phasma like she doesnt have a lightsaber so im confused is there a way to set up battles like in star wars battlefront 2. That would be awesome but like if this game is just for dueling and stuff which is all i  have found you are able to do like i have the evoultion of combat mod and all i can do is play as a character and another one to fight against so why would there be a captain phasma. So im confused is there something im issing that makes these player models have more of a purpose. 

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