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  • Gaming Specialty
    Competitive Play
  • Operating System
    Windows 8

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  1. Thanks a bunch! So even if I replaced the Arbiter hilt with Gorc's saber model, it would still only be standard size unless the server allowed for altered model size?
  2. Thanks for the prompt feedback guys! Really appreciate it.
  3. Hi all; I'm brand new around here, and need an answer for a question. I recently downloaded this file http://jkhub.org/files/file/431-dark-forces-2-saber-pack/ so that I could use Gorc's Greatsaber. Now, I'm able to use it fine in a local game against bots, but when I tried to use it on a few multiplayer servers it would just default back to the standard lightsaber. So my question is this: am I not able to use custom sabers on multiplayer servers? Or do I need to search for multiplayer servers that allow custom sabers? If so , how would I go about that? Thanks in advance.
  4. Does this not work in multiplayer? I wanted to use Gorc's greatsaber but it only loads as a normal standard saber :/
  5. Just wanted to introduce myself; just stumbled across this game on Steam and have been having a blast playing it. Some questions though: 1) How do you download/load mods? Is there a mod organizer (something like Nexus Mod Manager) or is it done thought the game menu? 2) I've done a little bit (note the little) of modding for some of the Fallout games; is modding similar in this game as far as using programs like Nifskope to create custom models? 3) I see there are tons of custom sabers; is it possible to create different lightsaber variations other than hilt variations? What I mean is, can I make something like a http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lightclub (which is essentially just a massive standard lightsaber), and if so, could someone point me in the right direction to start making one? Thanks in advance! May the Force be with you all!
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