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Mysterious Stranger

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Posts posted by Mysterious Stranger

  1. I think that might dilute the community.


    I wouldn't fancy having to say, sign up for facebook, twitter etc just so I can keep up with latest stuff. With multiple platforms it soon becomes tedious to update and having to cross-post the same stuff. People might also eventually congregate at one particular area. Then the rest become quiet.


    I also have over 10 sites to check everyday and adding a few more doesn't make it fun.


    That's my 1¢.

  2. The only difference as far as I can see is that I run my servers at default saber damage, and the other euro ones that people are used to have 0.5-0.8 for 'skill' reasons. Or that my server is quite large and their own fps gets too crappy for them to see much when it's full.


    And yup it's that 'I saber u but u no die' complaints. Or 'wtf one normal red swing kills'.


    Jampserver.cfg has jka default cvars. Anything I didn't put up there would be set to default...by default. XD

  3. Lol I don't get that burial part...



    rconPassword ""
    seta sv_hostname ""
    seta g_motd ""
    seta sv_privatepassword ""
    seta sv_privateclients ""
    seta g_Password ""
    seta g_gametype "0"
    seta sv_maxrate "25000"
    seta sv_maxping "0"
    seta sv_minping "0"
    seta sv_master1 "masterjk3.ravensoft.com"
    seta sv_master2 "clanservers.net"
    seta sv_master3 "master0.gamespy.com"
    seta sv_master4 "qtracker.com"
    seta sv_master5 ""
    seta g_banIPs " "
    seta sv_floodProtect "1"
    seta sv_reconnectlimit "1"
    seta bot_minplayers "5"
    seta g_weaponDisable "524279"
    seta g_duelweapondisable "524279"
    seta g_forcePowerDisable "262141"
    seta g_maxForceRank "7"
    seta g_ForceRegenTime "30"
    seta g_TeamAutoJoin "1"
    seta g_teamForceBalance "1"
    seta g_log "games.log"
    seta g_logClientInfo "1"
    seta g_allowVote "0"
    seta timelimit "0"
    seta fraglimit "0"
    seta capturelimit "0"
    seta duel_fraglimit "10"
    seta g_autoMapCycle "0"
    seta sv_AllowDownload "0"
    seta sv_pure "0"
    seta g_dismember "0"
    seta g_saberLocking "0"
    seta g_saberLockFactor "0"
    seta g_allowDuelSuicide "1"
    seta g_maxGameClients "32"
    seta DMFLAGS "8"
    map mp/ffa3

  4. 3 years ago, starting with maps in JKA cause I was very bored. Made ugly ones with shitty fps.


    Then overpowered sabers but stopped when I learnt that it could be used by anyone in the server.


    Tinkered with dlls in 2011 but was lazy and didn't continue so I've lost any knowledge in that.


    Currently making one ent-edited map every year, that's much easier to do.

    brendhanbb likes this
  5. The Raven master server really sucks. I'd suggest setting one of your sv_master cvars to "master.jkhub.org", since that one is very good.

    You could also try opening up the port for the master server communications (33905) and making sure that your firewall isn't blocking communication with said port.




    This place is littered with such threads xD


    Same here, servers appearing a moment and disappearing an hour later, only to reappear 9 days later...


    Nothing we can do cept wait it out, jar it a bit with minor port changes...wait it out...


    Edit: Oo you're the one who run's Wovian's in 1.00! Saw that vanish days ago and just came back.

  6. I suppose KOTF has certainly set people's minds on things like this...


    My first bought mod was from the creator who was in desperate need of money and offered me his source code. Between ourselves it was a 'okay I have some money and a reason to give it to you' and he was the kind who didn't take money for free. Since then I've paid him for his time on some other projects. If I don't give him an incentive, he'll snail along and it'll never be done.


    Yes I could have done it myself had I forced myself to learn all the weird symbols that make up programming. But I don't have the time and patience. On the other hand, he's got no job and he can do what I could use.


    To me, this paying for things is a 'willing seller, willing buyer' thing, but perhaps such deals should be kept private otherwise we will have discussions like this eternally...


    Shoot me? :D

  7. It's entirely possible to add CTY, Holocron FFA and JM back into JA - the gametypes still exist, they're just disabled and a bit broken.OJP added them back, and I added them back in JA++ as-well.



    Well...there's something annoyingly attractive about JK2 that running the same gametypes in JKA wouldn't be able to replicate.


    Hm, that's a disturbing thought - the possibility of jka consuming jk2 xD

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