Hi, I've recently noticed an in game problem regarding explosion effects, and I'm 99.9% sure it has nothing to do with any mods I'm using as I've checked this already. Basically, the problem is two-fold regarding TRIP MINES 1) In certain sections of the game, trip mines will kill my character but no explosion occurs (the trip mine just disappears). This is the same if I shoot one of the trip mines - again, it will disappear but no explosion. Yet when I check the effects>tripmines folder, the 'explosion.efx' is there in the folder. 2) Tripmines deployed by me will explode but not harm/kill my character - yet thermal detonators do harm/kill my character. What's going on here? It's like the opposite effect for linear placed tripmines in the game and non-linear placed tripmines which I place myself - the former don't explode but do kill, where as the latter do explode but don't kill...??? Anyone know what's going on? I've also tried reinstalling the assets files but to no avail. Thanks. ***EDIT*** PROBLEM SOLVED - It seems this bug is caused simply by installing patch 1.03 and 1.04 - reverted to 1.02 and problem went away.