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Files posted by GLTh3Pr0

  1. Imperial era ARC-170

    Version 1.0
    Reskin author: GLTh3Pr0
    In the first years after the Declaration of a New Order, the ARC were considered an elite craft in the Imperial Fleet. As with all craft commissioned by the new Empire, ARC-170s were henceforth given the standard 'Imperial gray' color scheme, doing away with the variety of colorful markings that military vessels bore to identify their squadron affiliations with during the Clone Wars.
    This is a reskin of Minilogoguy's ARC-170. I replaced the red color with dark grey, removed the Republic Fleet simbols and some other stuff (I used the Dark Times comics as reference). I also replaced the green Astromech with the vanilla r2d2_imp.
    Drop the pk3 file into your base folder. To spawn the fighter just use the code /npc spawn vehicle mini_arc in your console. Take the file out of the folder or delete it to unistall.
    Special thanks:
    To Minilogoguy18 and his team for giving me the permission to release the reskin! You can find the original one here:
    You can contact the original maker at minilogoguy18@aol.com or me at glthepro@libero.it


       (5 reviews)



  2. Imperial era V-Wing

    Version: 1.0
    Reskin author: GLTh3Pr0
    In the first years after the Republic's fall, the Imperial Navy still used the V-Wings as its primary fighters, now painted in imperial livery and lacking the Q7 Astromech droid. The empire can be seen using these fighters at the end of Episode III: The Revenge of The Sith and in some comics like the "Dark Times" series.
    This is a reskin of Minilogoguy's V-Wing, what i did was replacing the red painting with dark grey and other small details. Also the hull on the old skin was dirty, yellowish, it looked cool on the Republic skin but not so much with the Imperial grey, so I whited it out. If you're wondering why there's a republic simbol and not an imperial one on the ship, it's because that's because they look like this in the comics, no idea why.
    Drop the pk3 file into your base folder. To spawn the fighter just use the code /npc spawn vehicle v-wing in your console. Take the out of the folder or delete it to unistall.
    Special thanks:
    To Minilogoguy18 and his team for giving me the permission to release the reskin! You can find the original one here:
    You can contact the original maker at minilogoguy18@aol.com or me at glthepro@libero.it


       (5 reviews)



  3. Sniper Scout Trooper

    The other day I was searching for a sniper scout trooper mod since I like all the Battlefront-TFU kind of stuff, and I was surprised that nobody did one before. So, I made this simple mod by taking Tyrael's Biker Scout and editing the NPC's behavior, so that the scout trooper now holds a Tenloss Disruptor Rifle. It behaves in a similar way to the Rodian sniper, but it is more accurate and as a longer fire range.
    Installation: simply drop the PK3 into you "base" folder
    NPC spawing: use the code "npc spawn biker_scout" in your console
    Note: I don't take credit for the model, that was made by Keshire, Duncan and Tyrael
    Here you can find Tyrael's original model: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Skins/Star%20Wars/69715/


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