The suggestion foremost in my mind is that we all need to focus a little more on contributing more as a community in the areas of posting comments and topics and especially reviews with more narrative, or personal perspective, or critique or commentary. I'm evidently struggling with how to word my suggestion here myself, but the file reviews I have read have let me down so far. It is good to see people saying anything at all about new files, and there isn't anything wrong here, but these have all been comments, not reviews. My suggestion to the staff would be to set the example by writing at least a full paragraph that explores their experience with the file if they have used it, in the hopes that will encourage other members to follow that example. Perhaps also consider applying some highlighting feature to the review that gets the most likes, in the hopes that it will be used bring to the front the most useful member feedback? Perhaps the author of a file or topic could use the ratings stars to vote up what they feel is the most useful review? has a model for user generated critiques that might be worth following here. Or some similar insightful tool to promote actual community commentary? It's a vague feeling in my mind at this point, but I wanted to put it out there. This isn't a 'fix this now' suggestion, we should just explore some methods of promoting or rewarding useful information. The like feature on this forum is an excellent step in this direction, and I've seen this feature requested so many times on other forums that I sincerely applaud the initiative to make it happen here. I'll also say this topic is open to other similar community (not strictly website/technical) related suggestions, since I didn't see anywhere to post this.