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Everything posted by Aura

  1. Our ship, there will be some dog fight action like in Episode 4 Falcon vs Tie Fighters..
  2. Oh I accidentally delete Final Aura Vretil Skin post... Here is Aura Vretil, who managed to escape from Order 66 with the help of Obi-wan Kenobi's message from the Jedi Temple. He spent his exile years at planet Ilum. When Hal Naz detected his location our villian organise a surprise ambush and the old Jedi Master could not resist it and surrendered...
  3. I'm going to release it episode by episode like telltale games. In the first episode we will take control of a mercenary hired by Bail Organa to rescue our main character Jedi General arrested by Hal Naz from a star destroyer on its way to Death Star. As this is going to be a Prologue we will not see or famous characters but in the future episodes we will encounter or at least see in cutscenes many of them like; Vader, Delta Squad, Ackbar, Owen Lars, Yoda...
  4. Incinerator Trooper Thanks to @@DT85 for his Stormtrooper model.
  5. Our jedi general Aura Vretil... And our blind Emperor's Hand Hal Naz
  6. I figured it out if i join a 0 player server it doesnt gives the error. But if i spawn Desann (Alora and Cultist works) it gives me the error. I figured it out but i don't know how to fix it what should i do ? I have a lot of mods and i'm making a mod right now. If i reinstall they will be gone (my brother mods and idk which files to backup)
  7. Hi guys, I have a problem. Today I wanted to play normal JKA i tried to join a server then this message showed up (playing as windowed): Then I pushed the ignore button. Then went in the game it was some textures showed up like this And there is my GameData There is my Base folder Also my server Source: is like this: (Sorry about my English) Oh also i can join base servers and i can create servers. Nowadays my brother is modding i dont know anything about that maybe this was his thing ._.
  8. Main menu template not in-game. Texts will be image files for a better look...
  9. I'm thinking about converting some of the brushes into a model format (ASE maybe not sure yet) the pyramid-ish things and columns.
  10. I'm just trying to re-understand some GTK basics. Extra brushes are to be deleted when I finish textures. BTW I can't remember the brush limit can you please tell me? Thanks mate... is there a list of codes and their functions of GTK? And thank you all for your comments
  11. Thanks Just testing the lightning... I need to remember some lightning codes after 3 years of no GTK Radiant lol.
  12. Just tested the textures... And made small mesh changes
  13. Crystal Cave Entrance. Textures are from vanilla JKA...
  14. Hi guys I just stopped fooling arround with the game itself and installed GTK Radiant 1.4. I decided to make Ilum from the Clone Wars TV Series for the first mission of the mod.. Currently I'm working on the textures of the map and I need some nice reference pics. I only managed to found these;
  15. Hi, many of you may know me I'm Democan. Since the singleplayer source code released I always wanted to continue my old mod Expanded Universe. I decided to make the story based between Order 66 and Episode 4 we will take control of a Jedi General who survived Order 66. I haven't decided much of it yet...
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