Version 4.0
Title: Darklight Skin Pack Author: Ataris Version: 4.0 Intro Darklight is a set of reskins for all of the cultists in the game, including Alora. It has been through 8 iterations, all of various names released on FileFront, but in this last and final version the concept has been revisited and brought into a higher, more professional quality. With a refined design, it is hoped these skins blend naturally into the game and enhance the characters. The goal of this pack is to provide a more dramatic look for the game's enemies, in the fashion of the Sith, while also making them easier to detect, and more fun to fight. This set of reskins excludes Tavion, Desann, or regular Reborn, unlike some previous versions. It is also intended primarily for Singleplayer. These skins will work in MP but some of them do not have custom team support--but they will still function. Along with this package are additional changes to sabers and NPCs to reflect the skin changes in this mod. All Reborn and Cultists have been given Firebrand hilt sabers, and the "Training" saber now uses the regular Reborn hilt. This was done because A.) The Firebrand hilt is black and red and B.) there is a mission in T2 where Rax holds a Reborn saber and it looks less stupid if it's just a generic Training saber. Details: *New Alora red-and-black armor with red glow *New cultist armors, including New Reborn and cultists, each with varying glowing armors *Kothos Twins (Rosh boss battle) now have separate appearances and Sith eyes *All Reborn Masters replaced with New Reborn skins (because the Kothos are ugly) *All Reborn now have glowing orange, Sith-colored eyes, including Tavion and Alora *"Mark of Ragnos" adapted from Ragnos' ghost has been adapated into several armors, and is tattooed onto Alora's lekku *Green and brown cultists now wear red and black, with blue and red-glowing armors for higher ranks *New Tavion has been given Sith eyes and purple lipstick Please feel free to enjoy these new reskins and may they enhance your gameplay experience! Also, be sure to check out OpenJK, a new project that fixes bugs in JK and gives widescreen support! Also check out my other mods (by Ataris): Mindwarp 2.0!