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Posts posted by Srethem

  1. 11 minutes ago, mrwonko said:

    I experimented a little, and the name of the .shader file appears to be irrelevant. What helped was renaming the pk3 to come alphabetically before assets, e.g. aaa_animated_sky.pk3. I think for shaders, pk3 load order is reversed from what it usually is.

    Renaming pk3 with "aaa_" prefix actually hepled, big thanks my man!

  2. Greetings

    While surfing JKHUB i found a link for these beauty animated skyboxes: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/jk2ffa/animated-sky-t351.html. The only problem that it was made for Jedi Outcast and simple "drag&drop in base folder" solution is not working. So I have a question and hopefully could get some help here: is it possible to port this into Jedi Academy game? 

    Not really into coding and so on, but I suppose that it could be done via changing original .shader file of skyboxes. So in case I'm right I'll leave a code for this .shader lower:


    	qer_editorimage	textures/skies/sky.tga
    	surfaceparm	sky
    	surfaceparm	noimpact
    	surfaceparm	nomarks
    	skyParms	textures/skies/bespin 5000 -
    		map textures/AnimatedSky/skystars11
        		tcMod scroll 0.01 0.025
    		map textures/AnimatedSky/skystars8
    		blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
        		tcMod scroll 0.019 0.033


  3. @


    Yep I thought  about Boba's UU, but It doesn't have source codes in free. So I can't use this to make plugin that I need. But ty for reply, anyway  :)




    Oh maaaan... To be honest, I didn't expect that somebody will "throw" to me really interesting information about this plugin. But you really surprised me! Thank you very much, I'll look what can I do.


  4. Hello there.


    First of all, I must say "sorry for my english" because It's really terrible =)


    Secondly, I need some kind of plugin for server. To be more specific, I need k/d ratio plugin for TFFA (TDM) gametype, that will show in chat the score of the all players, theirs ratio and stats of TK/suicides when the game will end (after achieve needed fraglimit/when time is up). It should look like this:





    I think I searched all the internet, but I didn't find something interesting except this:





    2 .dll files that show your k/d, score and TK/suicide statistics when you type MyStats in the console (also it have /myHelp and /myTime commands). But idk is it can help me to make plugin that I need. 


    This .dlls you can download here: 





    So, after few days of searching, I want to ask for a help. Maybe you can offer some places, where I can search more, or maybe you so cool guy that can make this plugin by yourself and give it to me :)


    Anyway, thanks in advance.


    P.S. I need this plugin for BaseJKA or JA+ server.

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