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  1. I guess we should just hope that teh's ELO system somehow gets refined so that we can make our own ladder, or just not worry about it at all.
  2. Hm I wouldn't know I wasn't around 8 years ago...but maybe people didn't know about it? Not to mention the esports/competitive scene of any game, much less jka, wasn't as popular 8 years ago from what I can tell. Anyway, if nobody votes or is interested at all then so be it! I would hate to try and organize something and then not have anybody interested anyway, so this is more of me trying to gauge if anybody would actually be interested.
  3. Hi there. I'm not sure how many people know about Capture the Flag "PUGS" (pick up games). They're private 3v3/4v4 matches and we play quite often...for more info check out http://www.jactf.com. Anyway, with that segway I'd like to gauge the community's interest in the following: http://pugz.jkhub.org/index.php?topic=179.msg772#new I created a topic on the Capture the Flag PUG forum to gauge the community's interest in a more competitive capture the flag scene. I also created a topic over on the ESL forums in case they were interested in incorporating ctfguns into their Jedi Academy section as well. Vote up, and cheers!
  4. or Both made with jaMME, just not as artsy as some of yours :/
  5. yes I'm totally fine with you posting these
  6. The songs are: Death by White Lies (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTh9IuSTOY0) Glory, Amen by The .357 String Band (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPoUY_ikq9o) Catgroove by Parov Stelar (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJFrqOMgvBI) thanks for watching
  7. I've got jka pugmod, and used to have the jk2 one too but accidentally deleted it when I uninstalled jk2 a while ago. Now I need it again and don't have it. Anyone got it? If not, do you guys have any idea why my third person model won't show up while watching demos on jk2 1.04? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.
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