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Everything posted by RevanKnight

  1. OK! It would cool to combine the two... Are all the parts from SWTOR? It looks like the torso is a little big.
  2. Does it count if you don't get them directly from the game? Like if you took a screen shot and used that for texture?
  3. The one thing wrong with the cape is it does not have holes...
  4. And if you do release, should I just can my Reborn Revan?
  5. So is this going to be released on JKHub even though it's illegal? I know the rules have changed a lot recently on ported stuff, like a "do at you're own risk" type policy.
  6. Ya, that needs fixing... It was a lot worse before. And I need to fix his ear.
  7. I have been working on a new Revan for a while now. I'm almost done!
  8. Do you know if it is the same on the reborn armor?
  9. The back under the cape and I also need a close up of the metal belt thingy above the belt.
  10. Hey guys, I need a pic of the reborn armor back, if someone in SWTOR could get me a shot that would be great! And thinks for the support! Good job! I tried to get the original revan outfit and failed.
  11. Here is a update for the Revan and the reborn version!
  12. Hi, I have been working on a character and I need a hood, cape and robe so I was going to use Toshi's Luke hood and Hirmans Ventress robe and cape. How would I get a hold of them to see if it is alright to use them?
  13. A mix of knight and warrior maybe. I already made a two lightsaber throw like what Revan used in SWTOR. Maybe knight stance for med, warrior for strong. Do you think animations are overkill?
  14. Do you guys think I should add new animations to the character based off the ones in SWTOR? Or do you think that would be to much?
  15. Here are some new pic! These are prototypes for the masked version I'm not sure if ill use this head or not. I'm not sure if I want to use Luke hood(above), or this the reborn hood(below). What do you guys think? I tried using the Luke head and hair. At first I though it was going to work, but his chin and nose were to short, and the hair was to big. I do think that the hood looks good on him. I also tried the Anakin, his chin and nose were good, but his forehead and eyebrows didn't look right. So I tried the Jaden male head. Tell me what you think!
  16. http://imgur.com/5Ot8HJB http://imgur.com/FE2xJN8 Sorry, here it is...
  17. Lol! Sorry! Couldn't figure out how to post a bigger one.
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