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Everything posted by Darth_Mak

  1. Version V1


    Original Author: Darth_Mak Description: This is a mod that will let you select Desann in the Single Player character customizing menu.You can choose him as a playable species & you people might be wondering that why there is a + with it. Let me tell you. I have also added Desann's saber (Retribution) into the saber selection menu so you can play with his saber from the start! You can also select the red saber blade color.& I have changed the pitch of the voices so that it looks like Desann's talking (you know,In his fat accent ;D). I hope you like it ;D
  2. Version V1


    Original Author: Darth_Mak Description: This is a mod that will let you select Imperial skins in the Single Player spieces selection menus. Since they all are avaliable in MP,this is for SP.The skin pack consists of different Imperial skins.It contains Galak Fayyar, Human Mercenery, Imperial Officer, Imperial Worker, Rax Joris, Shadowtrooper, Stormtrooper, Snowtrooper, Stormpilot and Swamptrooper skins. The skins included are default and also the team skins.I hope you like this mod.
  3. 45 downloads

    Original Author: Darth_Mak Description: This is a mod that will make the Yellow saber blade into a multiclor blade without saber trail. I did this because there was nothing else to do and I think that some of you might want to play with a silly looking Yellow lightsaber blade. But it dosent look bad.It looks sharp and pointy which is the thing I like about it ;D So I hope you people like this blade.
  4. 48 downloads

    Original Author: Darth_Mak Description: This little mod will make the Purple Lightsaber blade transparent from inside so its like a weak beam coming out & its actually see-through which is the main thing about this saber. It looks good ingame & I hope you people like this blade.
  5. 1,041 downloads

    Original Author: Darth_Mak Description: This is a mod that will let you select the Revenge saber hilt in the Single Player saber selection menu.You can also select any saber & choose the red saber color. Well, I have added some of my efforts in to this model and customized it & the most noticable thing is the Sith emblem on the side of the saber hilt. I recommend this model to any one who is bored of all the old boring sabers and wants to play on the dark side! This is my FIRST mod so take it easy on me .I named it Revenge because the old version of Stinger was boring so I decided to edit it and named it Revenge. I hope you like it!
  6. 1,078 downloads

    Original Author: Darth_Mak Description: This is a mod that will let you select Kyle Katarn's saber hilt in the Single Player saber selection menu. I recommend this model to any one who is bored of all the old boring sabers and wants to play with Kyle's saber hilt. I hope you like it!
  7. 986 downloads

    Original Author: Darth_Mak Description: This is a mod that will let you select Desann's saber hilt in the Single Player saber selection menu.You can also select any saber & choose the red blade color.I recommend this model to any one who is bored of all the old boring sabers and wants to play on the dark side! I hope you like it! More models coming soon!
  8. 1,094 downloads

    Original Author: Darth_Mak Description: This is a mod that will let you select Luke's saber hilt in the Single Player saber selection menu. This is the default model & nothing is added into it!.I recommend this model to any one who is bored of all the old boring sabers and wants to play with Luke's awesome saber hilt!I hope you like it! Well I thought that Avenge can be a good name for this hilt because Luke built it after Darth Vader revealed his true identity to him. More models coming soon!
  9. 838 downloads

    Original Author: Darth_Mak Description: This is a mod that will let you select Reborn's saber hilt (Stinger) in the Single Player saber selection menu. I recommend this model to any one who is bored of all the old boring sabers and wants to play with Rebron's saber hilt. Well,its really simple so if you like it why not download it More mods coming soon!
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