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Posts posted by Xeby

  1. @@Aidor

    take your animation mod and rename the folder models/players/_humanoid from _humanoid in _humanoid_<x>


    then get an hex-editor and open the model.glm file from the model you want custom animations for


    find the filepath to _humanoid.gla in there and change it from :



    to :



    and save, now your model should load the animations from _humanoid_<x>

    Is not that simple as it looks... :P  It is about hexa editing and more...! i'll explain this later. Have a nice day!

  2. The game only supports one animation mod at a time. Whichever is the lowest alphabetically is the one it will use. You can't use multiple.


    I have many animations for each model in my JA Game. The Reborn's have theirs, Jedi's, Sith Acolyte's, Starkiller, Yoda, Vader, Maul, etc... This is the only way. Katanamaru told me, long time ago... the secret how to make it. ;)  Katanamaru is a very nice man. :)  Since then... i maked many stances. :winkthumb:

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