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  1. Not directly, no. But MBII have potential to be transformed into mod for more competitive games.
  2. @@ent I think the keyword here is "in this state" and I agree on this one. But imho, with MBII being opensurced maybe it would be possible
  3. You can disable chat sounds in Setup -> Sound -> Chatsound (MB2) cg_disableChatSound 1 (default 0)
  4. While rolling you cannot use force powers, so you can roll, and press "h" untill you see "SUPERPUSH ROTATION RESET".
  5. That's not possible but for easier tracking you can echo it: bind h vstr superpush1 set superpush1 "echo ^21-PULL; force_pull; bind h vstr superpush2" set superpush2 "echo ^22-WEAPON1; weapon 1; bind h vstr superpush3" set superpush3 "echo ^23-PUSH; force_throw; bind h vstr superpush1; echo ^1SUPERPUSH ROTATION RESET;" bind g "echo ^1SUPERPUSH ROTATION RESET; bind h vstr superpush1"
  6. By pressing 3rd time you already do a reset. set superpush3 "force_throw; bind h vstr superpush1"So next time it will trigger superpush1 The thing is, let's say you are in combat, you used h only twice and then got killed. Next round if you press h - it will be push. By pressing G (reset) you will always know that now if you press h it will be force pull - beginning of the rotation.
  7. It was disbaled due to lagscripts and macros which are not exaclt fair to others. You have few options. For example you can bind a set function on one key which will: bind h vstr superpush1set superpush1 "force_pull; bind h vstr superpush2"set superpush2 "weapon 1; bind h vstr superpush3"set superpush3 "force_throw; bind h vstr superpush1"Above example will require to push "h" button 3 times, pull, weapon, push. It's good to have another bind to reset the rotation: bind g "bind h vstr superpush1" Second option is not that easy, it would require some script/app which will send commands to game's console (doable with autoit or your own app) Press X -> send to jamp.exe /force_pull -> wait(2) -> send to jamp.exe /anothercommand Can't thing of anything else atm, could miss something.
  8. It's doable with account system (for example linked to forums or any other database) and in-game tracking / serverside tracking (offical servers like I wanted for MBII). The idea was simple - > run Official Servers hidden from list and joinable only if you meet requirements. (account system needed to be impleneted).
  9. This is what I wanted for MB2 (https://community.moviebattles.org/threads/why-and-bye.3902). I hope they will opensource this project. IIRC there were legal aspects behind this "not possible atm", but I'm not an expert if it comes to legal disputes about GPL/2 JKA EULA/SKD license and all of this stuff. Back in the days (again: https://community.moviebattles.org/threads/why-and-bye.3902 ) we had tournaments, we had ideas of two new game modes including CTF.
  10. Well, now this tool would be even more useful, people wouldn't have to copypaste ip and port to connect to a server
  11. Are You using ubuntu 12.04 + ? Make sure You have 1.01 installed, and try to reupload it. This error occurs when some assets are corrupted, have wrong size AND/OR u r using 1.0 instead of 1.01 AND/OR Ubuntu 12.04 + Also try without +set fs_homepath. Step by step how it install dedicated server on linuxos + mod: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/164-how-to-make-dedicated-server-on-linux-with-mod/
  12. Webserver list doesn't require any program installed (besides jkaconnect - simple plugin), works with every browser, is cleaner, is simplier. I guess we won't work on this since it's not needed anyway.
  13. ?????????????????? edit: Oh, it's offtopic. I came here and saw new post, i thought finally feedback. LOL.
  14. Sorry i just woke up (almost 7 am here )
  15. Well our page doesn't exist in terms what we want to accomplish.
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