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  1. I'll have to be honest, Jedi Outcast SP is getting a bit boring, still in the Nar Shaddar starport level. Mnay complained that the game was a bit boring at the first when you don't have a lightsaber, but I found the first and second mission fun, the mine one was okay. But this is just boring, I think I will be trying out the JA SP for a change...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      Honestly the rest of the game is fun but more fun in a challenging way. Nar Shaddaa is the most challenging set of levels because of the sheer amount of enemies using powerful weapons and your lack of force powers. The hardest level in the game is probably Nar Shaddaa Streets.

    3. Rex-Prime


      Oh yes it was hard, but still a bit more fun then Starport. I hated that turret part, but I managed through it...

    4. Avoozl


      I absolutely loved the Nar Shaddaa maps and the Bespin maps especially.

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