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Poop Dirty

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    Everything. Especially modding. Aspiring to be a game designer.
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  1. Yo! It's great to see that people are still tinkering around with JA modding and such. Fell in love with modding a decade ago as a kid. I'm aspiring to be a game designer, focusing on level design. I plan to eventually move on to more relevant platforms such as Unity, Valve's SDK, and Unreal. Learning code and such along the way. But I find that it is imperative that I rekindle my passion JKA, something I am already familiar with. Look forward to releasing some maps and mods!
  2. Welcome! An easy place to start would be 'skinning.' Or editing textures on already existing models.
  3. Wow, this is crazy. You know ShroomDuck, you basically made me love They Might Be Giants. The TMBJ mix-track for the map is sick. You still modding?
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