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Lord Spook

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Posts posted by Lord Spook

  1. @zeƒilus I'm not using any shader it was just a small texture, oh and yea I was probably using a wrong resolution then. I will try it out with 512x512 and others. If theres any other issues I will notify u back. 



    eezstreet likes this
  2. Hello, I was making some custom textures today, and everything worked well on Radiant and everything... but when I made a .PK3 file and tested it in-game, my custom texture was or invisible or broken. I did everything right textures/yu_tex/main.jpg

    Can somebody help please I really need to have these custom textures. Thanks!

  3. I'd say that the final part I've done is now deleted from my PC. I have a lot of things to do IRL soo I'm not able to do any serious mapping now, I've got school we're having final exams atm, and my latest PC on which I had final stage map is dead, I got new. I will let you know @@DT85 when I start making that final level again! :)

    DT. likes this
  4. Yea I used jaMME, but it's mostly used for ctf, lugormod fragmovies, few days ago I asked my friend how did they do that rolling with cameras and other stuff to go around the model, he said that people are using some some scripts in .cfg file something like cg_thirdpersonhorzoffset and others... he said that its really hard to find those nowadays.

  5. Hello guys, I am about to start a small project, mostly TFFA frags and other stuff. I am not really sure how do people put timescale if its "Cheat Enabled" in-game. And which script should I use for my frags. In mostly of fragmovies I see that angles are not correct and I heard people are using some scripts to change camera going around model etc. I was just wondering where am I able to get that scripts? Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xBydZTzhtE

  6. Hello guys. As always I am curious, and today I am interested "How to really make an in-game animation?". I know I gotta have a map (which I already have), but how to make scenes, and put models speaking? 


    I wish you guys can help me... sorry for my english. :)

  7. @@ent

    You should check other (SW) games for ideas.

    For instance, look here.


    See the section titled "Gameplay", there are various aspects, which might include icons.


    Below is the example of various items from Star Wars: Galaxies, which are not icons per se, but can serve as an inspiration for you.


    People still play star wars Galaxies? :D

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