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Everything posted by triplex

  1. 35 downloads

    This is more or less a straight convert from Elite Force 2 of the Starfleet Type 3A Phaser Compression Rifle. Replaces the Wookie Bowcaster in-game.** Has replacement sounds and appropriate fx set up. This is my first published JKA mod and was inspired by Torki's Elite Force character pack. It's not a particularly high-quality product, (the only minor issue I can think of is the viewscreen is a bit funny because in EF2 the LCARS texture is split up into several dynamic overlays), but hopefully will be enjoyed by someone when combined with the EF2 characters. To apply, just place "STCompRifle.pk3" in base or whatever mod folder you're using. Add zzzz to the file name if it's likely to conflict with another weapon mod. Model: Raven Software / Elite Force 2 Convert: triplex Thanks to Torki for the inspiration. **PS, if someone prefers for it to replace the disruptor rifle, that's a little more complex and you're welcome to try porting it to the disruptor if you have the knowhow.
  2. Hmm interesting. I have an AMD Radeon Rx580. Not particularly old, though my PC in general is getting on a bit (despite upgrading everything over the years), and am probably in need of a bigger PC that can fit some better tech. However, this phenomenon doesn't seem to repeat itself over other games & software I have installed, though it is the only IDT3 / Quake-based game I have played in recent times. - so it's possible that maybe the latest AMD drivers for my card have a bug in the OpenGL support. I will try a full clean uninstall and reinstall of my graphics drivers and see if that makes any improvement.
  3. Hello, I am having an issue where there is an intermittent visual tearing / blanking out whilst playing JKA. I have no idea where it is coming from and I have tried both with my favourite setup and also with a brand new vanilla install of JKA and am still getting this tearing effect. It also seems to be somewhat specific to certain views / angles which makes me think it is something map-based, but having tried a fresh install and still getting it, that doesn't explain it. See video here for an example: I have also checked the command window for any warnings that may explain what's going on, but there are none. Has anyone seen something like this and has any idea what I should try? Thanks very much!
  4. Had a go myself, and I can see why for something relatively small it might be a bit challenging. Firstly, and I expect most people knew this already, there's no clear way of adding extra "colours" to the saber blade selection. You can only replace existing ones. So I tried repainting the default orange blade and while it looked ok in static, I didn't take into account that the "trail" texture is shared by all blades. So it looks white in the middle again when waved around. Will have to consider whether there's potential for all blades to have this colour core to match (unlikely) or whether there's a way of setting up a separate trail for just that one blade colour.
  5. Does anyone know if any saber blade mod contains a blade colour like that of Baylan Skoll, the character to be featured in Ashoka? If not, how easy is it to make "additional" blade colours for JK that show in the saber selection alongside existing colours? Think I might give it a go for myself if it's not too complex. Or does someone else feel like having a look? I quite like the orange core with the orange/red edges. Nice to see something that doesn't feature a bright white blade core (apart from the Darksaber of course). Reminds me of the orange blade from DF2/MOTS actually. RIP to Ray Stevenson by the way. Gone way too soon. I bet his performance in Ashoka will be great!
  6. I think I've found the source of the issue but why it's happening with OpenJK and not jasp I have no idea. There seems to be some conflict between the weapons selection of JO and JA, whereby playing the JO campaign seems to exclude the Concussion Rifle from the weapons selection, and so it trips up trying to load what is sees as non-existent weapon. As I've said this wasn't an issue when running off jasp, seems to be new with OpenJK. EDIT: * I think it's now fixed * I put copies of the JA weapons and items .dat files into Zzz_JOA_Base_Assets_v3 (1).pk3 so that they're read a little earlier in the chain and it seems to not be crashing with that error anymore.
  7. Ah okay. In which case my first fixes make no sense as they shouldn't have worked. In reverse alphabetical order the JO assets pk3s should have been loaded last and anything duplicated from JA ignored. I currently have no pk3s in OpenJK, just in base and JOA for this mod. I'll have a look through and think whether anything weapon-related might be causing a clash.
  8. If pk3s have been loaded in reverse order since the start, why do we bother adding Zzzz etc to the front of files we want to load last? OpenJK runs fine with normal JA single-player and multiplayer. And this mod runs fine with jasp.exe except for memory issues if certain mods are installed alongside.
  9. Hello. I've come to OpenJK rather late and as well as the normal JK gameplay, I use the following mod to play Jedi Outcast campaign with Jedi Academy core. https://www.moddb.com/mods/jedi-outcast-academy/downloads/joa-v3-full-version However since modifying the launch .bat to run off OpenJK-SP instead of jasp, I've run into a handful of issues. A couple of them I have already fixed such as: - shader problem that left all characters transparent and certain level scenery textures missing - "couldn't load item for weapon_trip_mine" error message at the start of new game, which ended the current game In both these cases I copied the JA versions of the shaders and the items.dat from the JA assets pk3 and added it into JO assets to fix the problem. But one other problem that seems to be impossible to rectify is seeing "couldn't find weapon for weapon" error appearing at the start of most new levels, ending the current game. I thought that this was due to the JO version of weapons.dat, but after copying it into the JO pk3 the same way as with items.dat above, it is making no difference. If I want to get to the next level then I am having to use the "map" cheat code before the previous level's ended. I have noticed, and this might be part of the issue, is that at least according to the command window OpenJK is searching through folders and loading pk3s in *reverse* alphabetical order. Typically JA should be loading packages in normal alphabetical order, and if you have a relatively comprehensive mod then certain things need to be loaded in a specified alphabetical order. It would result in problems to have it read in reverse. Is the loading order "known about" in OpenJK and has it resulted in similar issues as above? Anyone know what my unshakeable error could mean and where I should look for a fix? Thanks
  10. Hi. Been playing for years, signed up to this site a while ago and just love everyone's content on here. Done a bit of basic modding, some skins/sounds/physics changes but haven't dared going into map creation or level scripting but it looks like something I'd like to explore sometime. This might sound silly but forum-wise, is there a qualification/activity level you have to be at to post in the modding section? I can't see any button in this forum subsection that will allow me to post or reply to a thread. Not to start a modding thread but to let user @Jeff know that I really like his MOTS sith statue and if he decides to continue with another then it is possible to download the entire JK/MOTS soundtrack from https://www.sounds-resource.com/pc_computer/starwarsjediknightmysteriesofthesith/sound/3168/ and get good clean sounds of the statues.
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