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Everything posted by MoonDog

  1. Just an uncompressed AVI.
  2. I'd love to take Red Alert 3 for steam off your hands. (Rts nerd)
  3. The textures in JKO/JKA are horrible for use in UDK for several reasons, but yeah let's make illogical broken English statements about pink floors.
  4. You could do that in JKA with shader manipulation.
  5. That's a horrible idea.
  6. Looks like they ripped it straight out of JKO, textures and all. (Not a compliment.)
  7. This would be way easier and less taxing.
  8. You can model an environment and import it from a 3d package into any form of radiant as long as the model assets are a format that q3map2 can use and the texture paths are correct. 1.3.12, 1.4.0, 1.5.0 it doesn't matter... As for missing shaders, your radiant is configured incorrectly. Make sure the game path is correct for Jedi Academy.
  9. I think you have far too many projects as it is, I wonder how many of them you would of churned out if you'd focus entirely on one thing till it's completed.
  10. F8 for color based, no intensity preview. After that press ALT+CTRL+F8 to toggle maximum intensity light preview(highest quality most closely resembling how it will look in game) It might work okay to get a good idea of how certain lights are going to look for your JKA map. However cod lights are much better and have way more options. Leave the def of the light on light_point_linear. Leave the intensities on 1 and just change the radius. I'm having troubles remember how the lighting works in JKA, but I'm pretty sure the options are extremely limited. Just radius and color... Some one correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the lights by default use an inverse square root formula to calculate falloff unless you specify it as linear. lol... just play with it till you see similar results.
  11. They were certainly grabbing up level designers, environment artists, engineers, and character artists a-plenty not that long ago.
  12. I'm not sure what you mean. I've used Codradiant extensively. It has full sun and light entity preview. The .map structures differ too entirely for you to load a jka .map into it. I only suggested you should branch into other Radiants eventually.
  13. ffa3. Yeah, that looks pretty bad.
  14. You should try CodRadiant some time. Has that tasty light preview that you despair over. *edit* or q4radiant :X
  15. I used 1.6 for all my building and most texturing. For entity placement and model placement I used 1.5.0 because of the Maya style translation devices. In all seriousness though, all 3 are superbly inferior to other Radiants.
  16. Yes. Even working 8 hours a day. Unless they have several people working on the same level concurrently. Which isn't as practical in JKA as it is in other editors/engines with modular assets.
  17. Use q3map2gui to compile your maps.
  18. Try playing with different ambient values in the worldspawn. ex "ambient" "10" Using -bounce ought to help brighten it up just a tad as well. It's hard to notice, but it does. You can actually use -dump for each pass to get a better idea of how it's doing. (Places the radiosity lights into numbered prefabs. Not usually useful unless you are keeping light differences from exterior to interior sharp by importing and selectively deleting. Cool nonetheless for understanding how light is re-diffused off the surfaces) I wouldn't worry about it too much right now. Finish your geo and core design goals.
  19. You could make a logic puzzle for beating the boss. People love logic puzzles.
  20. Now we're talking.
  21. I mostly like that he's thought about the fiction behind his level and has a definite plan for the theme.
  22. Would that I had the time, JKG would be the only current JKA project I'd be willing to contribute to.
  23. Hey no problem. You can upload the .map some where and pm me the link. I'll mitre one half of it so you can see the difference and change the rest of it.
  24. Oh. My bad. I just kind of thought a properly functioning ded might be cool for release. Sorry broeh.
  25. I've got a server running the openjkded 24/7 on linux. There also seems to be an issue with player collision from time to time. Players passing through each other completely etc.
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