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Everything posted by ShakeThatSalt

  1. I dont, sadly. Which is why I'm here. I'd happily pay someone to make it (If it's done right)! I checked out CompJA, but it hasn't been updated in 3-4 months. Not sure if it's a dead project or people are busy and whatnot.
  2. The USA scene isn't ''dead'' it just has a smaller pool of players because we're only one country and the fact that it's harder to compete in ESL due to having to play latency issues. Regardless, I'm glad you agree; I hope the EU side would benefit from a mod like this as well. P.S. I will be your friend <3
  3. Recently, the base/competitive scene has been a bit more quiet than usual (hard to believe, I know). I've been trying to think of ways to spark more interest for the players, and to provide something different and fresh. I also have talked to a lot of old school players recently and they told me about "BWN" and "Sabermetrix" back in the day which was a server-side mod that had numerous features such as: - Detailed player profiles and match histories. - Server specific ranking and player profiles (by server owner for 1 or more servers). - League rankings (all servers). - Live server listings, show which servers are active, who is playing and their rating. - In-game player score reports. - In game match announcer. - Enhanced gameplay balance between no force and force jump settings. - Score keeper, automatic tracking and reporting of clan and player matches. (You can read more about it here: http://archives.thejediacademy.net/index.php/Bladeworks_Network) I was thinking maybe if we could bring something like this back and maybe use an account system like lugormod does (BWN used your name as the profile which lead to a lot of abuse), it would would be a lot of fun for old players and new players alike. Yay or Nay?
  4. You should get a BWN type ranking system on the server. I was on JK2 earlier and I saw a few servers with a system similar; it's pretty cool. It could maybe bring in some more traffic. I'm pretty sure it was Cat that was doing something similar if I remember correctly
  5. I've been playing on your server recently, and I have to say it's fantastic. Easily the best dueling server in JKA.
  6. Is there an estimated release date for a stable version of OpenJK and will it be advertised?
  7. Is there possibility to make it so you can see your damage output in the console in addition to seeing the hit-points you're doing above the opponent you're attacking? Maybe something to pass down to Loda assuming he doesn't look at this thread. Other than that, I really enjoyed the saber aspect of the mod.
  8. Definitely looking forward to developments on this; I'm sure this will spark some interest in the competitive community.
  9. Hey, frands! I'm Shake from the base community and I've been following the forums/OJK Dev-chat for some time now and I finally decided to register and be active on the forums. I'm looking forward to learning some mapping and can supply finacial support if needed for projects or the website. Hope to see you all around in-game or on the forums and keep up the good work xD
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