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  1. @@Circa : If you think that's what best, please do @all : and thank you for your welcome^^
  2. Hah that's possible yeah^^ that too was a long time ago!
  3. Huh, didn't think about that since that account wasn't created by me, but thanks, it worked! ^^ Gonna upload those files now!
  4. First of all, hello and thank you for having created a last bastion for JK files to find refuge in! So I've looked and two of my mods are here, under an account with my old username (the Futurama character pack and Jane Lane). Thanks for saving them. I have some other mods (mostly ported content), some can be found on moddb but some I have on my discs. There are Kotor characters, a Kotor map, Kotor vehicles, and some Code Lyoko things (for those who know what the heck this is). I'd add them here, but I'd like to do it under the username that I used back then, for all the mods to be in the same place. Do you know if reclaiming said account is possible?
  5. 715 downloads

    Prepare for future with this very actual model Pack! Featuring Bender, Fry, Leela, with english and french sounds, and.. a secret npc guest! This mods also offers you to customize Fry's T-shirt : Go to models/players/Fry, pick indic.jpg.. erase the current message (or do not), place yours in the same zone, and erase the red bits. Rename the file message.jpg, and here you are.
  6. 193 downloads

    For all the people not remembering/knowing "Daria", Jane Lane is the best friend of Daria, heroin of the series (Mtv, circa 1999-2002-3.. ). And.. here is the model!
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