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This community is dedicated to the games Star Wars: Jedi Outcast (2002) and Jedi Academy (2003). We host over 3,000 mods created by passionate fans around the world, and thousands of threads of people showcasing their works in progress and asking for assistance. From mods to art to troubleshooting help, we probably have it. If we don't, request or contribute!

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If you're new or returning from a long hiatus, here are the basics of getting started with Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy.

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News from around the Jedi Outcast and Academy community, including mods, clans, official news, etc.

Oh yes, another console release. We knew this was coming after it was announced back in September, and we got Jedi Outcast during that time. The launch of JK2 was a success overall, with only a few minor complaints and one big one: save states don't overwrite, so you have to periodically delete them as you go. Apparently we still have save storage restrictions, even in 2020. Other than that, as primarily as console player, it was a big treat to be able to play as Kyle Katarn on my big screen.

Jedi Academy launched on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch today, at the price point of $19.99 USD in both digital stores. This time they include both singleplayer and multiplayer experiences, which is worth noting because the Jedi Outcast release only contained singleplayer. No doubt this was to consolidate servers to just one game. We also get a fancy new trailer for this, which is also interesting because it features almost exclusively multiplayer footage. Check it out below.

Both versions of the game are basically the same except for some obvious differences. The PS4 version has trophies (achievements) which can be fun to obtain. The Switch version will have motion controls to help with aiming, though I don't think it really helps that much, personally. If you're trying to decide which version to get, just keep in mind those two features, but also that the Switch version can also be played in portable mode (of course), and that you will need PS Plus and Switch Online to play online. There are cheats, just like in the Jedi Outcast port, however it has a different button combination. I updated my tutorial for that here. Also take note that there is no split-screen in these versions. Lots of people assumed there would be, since that feature existed in the original Xbox and GameCube versions, but not this time.

Speaking of online, it's a bit interesting to me. There is no server browser, there is only matchmaking and solo bots for offline. We haven't seen this, even in mods for the games. Obviously matchmaking is popular these days because it's more user friendly in terms of sitting down and playing a few games, rather than worrying about finding a server to play on. This also means there are no custom server settings. I only joined one game so far, and I forgot to see if it had force powers enabled, but I'm wondering if there are just multiple servers with different settings and it will just drop you in random ones. If anyone tests that, I can update this section.

I also noticed that they fill the servers with bots, disguised as players. This is not uncommon, even in modern games (Battlefront II does it, as a Star Wars related example), however it's painfully obvious in old games like this. The bot AI is just obnoxiously bad. You can immediately tell a player is a bot by the way they constantly swing with blue/fast style, while running backwards on a predictive path, sometimes even glitching in the same four-step vicinity. I get why they did this, because it's the same reason why clans and big servers have been doing it on PC since 2003: to fill servers to attract real players and keep them playing. For matchmaking it makes a lot more sense, than it does even for server browsers. 

I don't expect this to be a game where suddenly everyone is playing it again on consoles. When I played it, it was laggy. Hopefully that's just due to the influx of new connections today. There's no group or party system, but there is a new invite button I noticed, but you can only use it when you're in a server. It's simple features like that, that we have in modern games, that will hinder any chance of success this game will have in a modern environment. However, it's going to be a great way to hop in with some friends and have some saber-clashing fun every once in awhile. I also noticed they added the ability to turn off your lightsaber. That was a much needed feature we all asked for in Outcast and they never added it. Looks like they listened and added it!

I recorded a clip of my first boot of the game on PS4. I know a lot of people here will be interested in seeing how the menus work on console. They are extremely clunky, which just shows how minimal work went into this port, but it works good enough. You'll notice the matchmaking button instead of join a server, and how it searches and throws you in. It's odd seeing it this way, after 17 years of seeing it another way.

If you're not from around this community and don't know which game to get, Outcast or Academy, I think everyone would recommend Outcast in this case. Not only does it come first in the story, it has an overall better story and level design. However it does not have multiplayer. You also don't get a lightsaber until halfway through the game, which is a big turn-off for a lot of people, apparently. If you're one of those people, you could just use cheats to give you a lightsaber from the start, or you may want Jedi Academy instead. You could also just get both. I recommend getting both, but I'm clearly biased.

Which version are you getting, if either? Did you get Jedi Outcast on either platform yet? If so, how do you think these ports hold up? Buy Jedi Academy at the links below on your respective console's store!

Oh yes, another console release. We knew this was coming after it was announced back in September, and we got Jedi Outcast during that time. The launch of JK2 was a success overall, with only a few minor complaints and one big one: save states don't overwrite, so you have to periodically delete them as you go. Apparently we still have save storage restrictions, even in 2020. Other than that, as primarily as console player, it was a big treat to be able to play as Kyle Katarn on my big screen.

Jedi Academy launched on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch today, at the price point of $19.99 USD in both digital stores. This time they include both singleplayer and multiplayer experiences, which is worth noting because the Jedi Outcast release only contained singleplayer. No doubt this was to consolidate servers to just one game. We also get a fancy new trailer for this, which is also interesting because it features almost exclusively multiplayer footage. Check it out below.

Both versions of the game are basically the same except for some obvious differences. The PS4 version has trophies (achievements) which can be fun to obtain. The Switch version will have motion controls to help with aiming, though I don't think it really helps that much, personally. If you're trying to decide which version to get, just keep in mind those two features, but also that the Switch version can also be played in portable mode (of course), and that you will need PS Plus and Switch Online to play online. There are cheats, just like in the Jedi Outcast port, however it has a different button combination. I updated my tutorial for that here.

Speaking of online, it's a bit interesting to me. There is no server browser, there is only matchmaking and solo bots for offline. We haven't seen this, even in mods for the games. Obviously matchmaking is popular these days because it's more user friendly in terms of sitting down and playing a few games, rather than worrying about finding a server to play on. This also means there are no custom server settings. I only joined one game so far, and I forgot to see if it had force powers enabled, but I'm wondering if there are just multiple servers with different settings and it will just drop you in random ones. If anyone tests that, I can update this section.

I also noticed that they fill the servers with bots, disguised as players. This is not uncommon, even in modern games (Battlefront II does it, as a Star Wars related example), however it's painfully obvious in old games like this. The bot AI is just obnoxiously bad. You can immediately tell a player is a bot by the way they constantly swing with blue/fast style, while running backwards on a predictive path, sometimes even glitching in the same four-step vicinity. I get why they did this, because it's the same reason why clans and big servers have been doing it on PC since 2003: to fill servers to attract real players and keep them playing. For matchmaking it makes a lot more sense, than it does even for server browsers. 

I don't expect this to be a game where suddenly everyone is playing it again on consoles. When I played it, it was laggy. Hopefully that's just due to the influx of new connections today. There's no group or party system, but there is a new invite button I noticed, but you can only use it when you're in a server. It's simple features like that, that we have in modern games, that will hinder any chance of success this game will have in a modern environment. However, it's going to be a great way to hop in with some friends and have some saber-clashing fun every once in awhile.

I recorded a clip of my first boot of the game on PS4. I know a lot of people here will be interested in seeing how the menus work on console. They are extremely clunky, which just shows how minimal work went into this port, but it works good enough. You'll notice the matchmaking button instead of join a server, and how it searches and throws you in. It's odd seeing it this way, after 17 years of seeing it another way.

If you're not from around this community and don't know which game to get, Outcast or Academy, I think everyone would recommend Outcast in this case. Not only does it come first in the story, it has an overall better story and level design. However it does not have multiplayer. You also don't get a lightsaber until halfway through the game, which is a big turn-off for a lot of people, apparently. If you're one of those people, you could just use cheats to give you a lightsaber from the start, or you may want Jedi Academy instead. You could also just get both. I recommend getting both, but I'm clearly biased.

Which version are you getting, if either? Did you get Jedi Outcast on either platform yet? If so, how do you think these ports hold up? Buy Jedi Academy at the links below on your respective console's store!

Buy Jedi Academy on PlayStation 4

Buy Jedi Academy on Nintendo Switch

 Buy Jedi Outcast on PlayStation 4 

Buy Jedi Academy on Nintendo Switch

By Circa, in Community News,

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