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Subtitles In Cutscene

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Issue one is subtitles in a cutscene. I can't seem to get it to work in Jedi Academy. I know I have to reference my wav files in a .str file but it does not work. Below is from a JA STR file that i renamed to my mapname.str.  line1, line2, ect are my wav files in my script. Basically, it doesn't show the subtitles on the screen. Not sure what is wrong.

// Note to translators:
// If a sentence is the same in your language then please change it to "#same"
// eg:
// LANG_GERMAN   "#same"
// (This is so we can tell which strings have been signed-off as ok to be the same words for QA
//  and because we do not store duplicate strings, which will then get exported again next time
//  as being untranslated.)
VERSION             "1"
CONFIG              "W:\bin\stringed.cfg"
FILENOTES           "XMAKE-auto-generated from "w:\documents\script\jedi academy script2.txt""

REFERENCE           line1
LANG_ENGLISH        "I am suprised you made it this far. No matter....you did not foil my plan."

REFERENCE           line2
LANG_ENGLISH        "I am sure you have learned to some extent what is going on here. We are on the threshold of a new Galactic Order."

REFERENCE           line3
LANG_ENGLISH        "We have laced the beer shipment to the Emperor's Palace with the X 239 serum. Everyone at that party, including Palpatine, will be under my control."

REFERENCE           line4
LANG_ENGLISH        "Fortunately for us the Emperor  has a 'problem' with the sauce. Ha Ho He Ha Ha Ha Ho He Ha."

REFERENCE           line5
LANG_ENGLISH        "Agents planted at the palace will then carry out their orders. Then.. I.. will be the new ruler of the Galactic Empire and Palpatine will be dead."

REFERENCE           line5
LANG_ENGLISH        "Only then will the Galaxy truly be in peace...... Now, what am I going to do with you?"

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I guess you mean brand new dialogues and subtitles, or simply put in existing dialogues? Either way, basically you have to Affect that specific NPC_targetname, then select sound, and make sure to select CHAN_VOICE as the channel. Then the voice will play as long as the path is correct, and depending on the settings, specific subtitles will show up in cinematic or straight in-game (respectively, g_subtitles 1 and g_subtitles 2, if I'm not mistaken).

If you want to you can create brand new voice subtitles, and you can do that by creating a new .str file in strings/English (or any other language you may prefer). The important thing to remember here is to set up the correct name of the sound file, as shown here:


REFERENCE           <file name (without .wav extension, just the name)>

NOTES               "notes"

LANG_ENGLISH        "Subtitles."


Besides, the .str file should be named after the specific map the voices are played in.

This is what I actually pulled up from the thread about SP mapping ... is your sound placed on the chan voice channel? 
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This is what I actually pulled up from the thread about SP mapping ... is your sound placed on the chan voice channel? 



I have all of that as you posted and still nothing. Yesterday, I went ahead and re-recorded the voices and made it less robotic so you can understand it without subtitles just in case. These versions you can understand easier.

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