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Skyportals and Fog?

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Simple question: How do I get misc_skyportal and global fog to both work at the same time? Right now, if I have a skyportal in my map and also have the global fog enabled, the skyportal doesn't even show up--it acts like it's completely covered in fog. Removing the "fog" key from my map makes the skyportal visible.


But just last week, I was able to use the skyportal in my map without removing the fog. It looked exactly the way I wanted it to in-game. Since that no longer works, it seems that something must have changed, but I can't figure out what.


Has anyone else managed to get skyportals to work with global fog? How did you do it? Is there a misc_skyportal tutorial somewhere that I could check for reference?


EDIT: More weirdness--I booted up my old computer, which contains the map as it was several weeks ago, when the skyportal and fog were working fine together. I loaded the map, and sure enough, the fog and skyportal were both showing up perfectly. So I transferred the BSP, the textures, and the shader file to my new laptop, moved the newer versions to temporary folders, and loaded the old BSP. The skyportal was suddenly fogged over again. How does that make sense?


EDIT #2: THIS ISSUE HAS BEEN RESOLVED...kind of. I was messing around with console commands, randomly turned off dynamic glow, and suddenly the skyportal became visible! Apparently, having dynamic glow activated causes the fog and skyportal to not work well together. Probably some kind of limitation with the engine. 


If anyone knows a workaround for the glow/fog/skyportal conflict, please let me know. Otherwise, this thread can be marked as "Answered."

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