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Sky Box 2K And Or 4K Assistance

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Alright I'll keep this pretty simple. I need some one(s) capable of taking 2048 X 2048 and or 4096 X 4096 screenshots for Jedi's Home III's sky box. It's a pretty simple job for you. all you have to do is is load the maps in SP I would send you , take screenshots when you hear r2 beep and then send me said screenshots.

I need them in 2048 X 2048 and 4096 X 4096 if possible. I can only do 1024 atm which sucks for a skybox with this much detail. Any one can set the resolution to the forementioned the problem is that any of the game that goes past your screens edge when taking the screenshot turns out black in the screenshots. 
Any who if you can help you'll ofcourse get the usuals, my gratitude firstly, a mentioned in Jh's credits, your name on the thank you boards in game, an easter egg of your choice to hide in the map, and ofcourse you'll get early access to the map! 

Thank you all for reading, replying, etc May the Force Be with you! 

Angel MOFO Modder

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