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Dynamic Idle Camera W/ Zoom

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So does anybody know if this is already a thing in Jedi Academy? Lets say for example I wanted to spawn 2 NPC characters to battle each other in a map. So I spawn the NPC characters, and go to find a good spot to look over the battle. The only thing is, I don't want to keep moving around chasing after the NPC's because they went out of frame while fighting. So is there a way to make the camera automatically follow and zoom in on those NPCs which are fighting while the player stands still? Much like the way the camera works when you stand still for a while in a Grand Theft Auto game - the camera will start to zoom in on nearby NPC characters and follow their movements until you move again.


I would like to at least request this if it is possible to be done.


If it is not possible then would it be possible to make a third person camera for an NPC? Much like in multiplayer games where your camera will follow another player as if you were in control of them, but in fact someone else controls that character as you are a spectator, I would like that for spawned NPC characters.

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